Entrants for 2025 SPC—Live! Casino & Hotel, MD
August 9-13, 2025

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Entrants list last modified: March 28, 2025 05:02:01 PM (Eastern time)
Number of registered players: 114 (105 confirmed and 9 tentative)

Number of games: 31

Note: This entrants list is using current ratings and is allowing play-ups based on peak ratings earned between July 18, 2024 and July 21, 2025.

Division 1 (1800+)
scouting report / head-to-head
1.  Mack Meller 2143KY22.2  history2143
2.  Orry Swift 2061TX20.5  history2061
3.  Jackson Smylie 2060QC20.5  history2060
4.  Joey Krafchick 2052USA20.3  history2052
5.  Seth Lipkin 2022MA19.6  history2022
6.  Joey Mallick 2000ME19.1  history2041
7.  Cesar Del Solar 1992CT18.9  history2029
8.  Kevin Fraley 1962CA18.2  history1962
9.  Karl Higby 1926NY17.4  history1929
10.  Michael Fagen *1907QC16.9  history1944
11.  David Spargo 1898VT16.7  history1898
12.  Jeff Fiszbein 1889MI16.5  history1889
13.  Chris Cree 1844TX15.4  history1912
14.  Eric Goldstein 1835NY15.2  history1935
15.  Darrell Day 1829TX15.0  history
16.  Samuel Kaplan 1824NY14.9  history1831
17.  Robin Pollock Daniel 1803ON14.4  history
18.  Froilan Mendoza ^1786NY14.0  history1786
19.  Jonathan Lindh ^1780IL13.8  history1789
20.  Mike Baron ^1766NM13.5  history
21.  Eric Harshbarger 1750AL13.1  history1883
22.  Timothy Bottorff ^1738MD12.9  history1738
23.  Hank Hees ^1702SK12.0  history1702
24.  Dustin Dean ^1665MD11.2  history1793
25.  Noah Goldstein ^1624NY10.3  history1714
26.  Mark Miller ^1562PA 9.0  history1718
27.  Vignesh Pirapaharan ^1466NC 7.1  history
Average rating: 1848
Division 2 (1450-1799)
scouting report / head-to-head
1.  Menachem Rosenberg 1767NJ21.2  history1767
2.  Michael Thelen 1741MA20.6  history1741
3.  Michael Baker 1719OR20.1  history1719
4.  John Karris 1719NM20.1  history
5.  Adam Henderson 1704WA19.8  history1774
6.  Joe South 1676TX19.1  history1693
7.  Mark Abadi 1670PA19.0  history1670
8.  Kristy Zurbrick 1596OH17.2  history1648
9.  Tom Bond 1558WA16.3  history1558
10.  Evan Chester 1542PA15.9  history1542
11.  Daniel Stock 1538OH15.8  history1556
12.  Ayodele Odekunle *1534OH15.7  history1534
13.  Steve Anstandig 1506MI15.1  history1529
14.  Sheikh K Dukuly II 1473MN14.3  history1473
15.  David Engelhardt 1470MD14.2  history1494
16.  Paul Avrin 1470NY14.2  history1508
17.  Rishabh Murali *1452TX13.8  history1452
18.  Mina Le 1452CT13.8  history1507
19.  Ejike Osondu ^1436NJ13.4  history1436
20.  Cynthia Seales 1398GA12.5  history1481
21.  Nancy Bowen 1389VA12.3  history1467
22.  Benjamin Ansell 1369CA11.8  history1501
23.  Arthur Finkle ^1337FL11.1  history1337
24.  John Dalida ^975FL 4.6  history1025
Average rating: 1520
Division 3 (1150-1449)
scouting report / head-to-head
1.  Gary Perman 1474PA20.8  history1510
2.  Hannah Rozear 1440NC20.0  history1440
3.  Lila Crotty 1413LA19.4  history1413
4.  Greg Feldkamp 1412OH19.4  history
5.  Doug Critchlow 1409OH19.3  history1409
6.  Katya Lezin 1405NC19.2  history1410
7.  Dave Cameron 1375IL18.5  history1375
8.  Judy Cole 1364PA18.3  history1407
9.  Susan Bertoni 1360NC18.2  history1423
10.  Kevin Gauthier 1359NY18.1  history1445
11.  Jamie Logan 1354ME18.0  history1399
12.  Beth Mix 1332CT17.5  history1433
13.  Jennifer Tomlinson 1324FL17.3  history1370
14.  Bob Bolender Jr. 1309TX16.9  history1309
15.  Harry Chan 1307NJ16.9  history1325
16.  Jack Lechner 1294NY16.6  history1313
17.  Paul Wilson 1283VA16.3  history1283
18.  Linda Oliva 1282MD16.3  history1294
19.  Margo Kuno 1241PA15.3  history1284
20.  Cheryl Kagan *1234MD15.1  history1290
21.  Shae McWilliams 1234RI15.1  history1234
22.  Julia Bogle 1234IN15.1  history1234
23.  Karrie Bowe 1232MI15.1  history1232
24.  Yoli Ushry 1171AR13.6  history1171
25.  Megan McMahon 1138MA12.8  history1152
26.  Marichelle Roque-Lutz *^1133PA12.7  history1133
27.  Richard Price ^1132AR12.7  history1132
28.  Carol Tillson 1127MD12.6  history1244
29.  Linda Wancel *1119NY12.4  history1254
30.  Cecilia Huber ^1109OH12.1  history1117
31.  John Wright ^1077IN11.4  history1086
32.  Sam Bowers ^1075ME11.4  history1088
33.  Dana Tornabene 1058VA11.0  history1167
34.  Ed Bowe ^1053MI10.9  history1053
35.  Sally Reeser ^825PA 6.4  history825
Average rating: 1248
Division 4 (under 1150)
scouting report / head-to-head
1.  Anthony Canzoneri 1104NC20.5  history1104
2.  Paul Rickhoff 1092CA20.3  history1092
3.  Beth Leech *1090NJ20.2  history1130
4.  Nick Coffey 1050NC19.3  history
5.  Andrea Wang 1030NY18.9  history1146
6.  George Borsuk 1027NY18.8  history
7.  Michael Ireland *1012GA18.4  history1068
8.  Marie Filandro 1008DE18.3  history1020
9.  Peter Filandro 988DE17.9  history1075
10.  Tina Yates 954WV17.1  history1068
11.  Lea Shin 954LA17.1  history954
12.  Anjelina Noh 951OH17.0  history951
13.  Donna Biderman 946VA16.9  history963
14.  Shubha Kamath *939NY16.7  history1008
15.  Joyce Stock 934OH16.6  history948
16.  Cathy Poole 916NC16.2  history916
17.  Donna Anderson 895GA15.7  history907
18.  Pamela Pudelka 870TX15.1  history
19.  Joe Quoyeser 860TX14.8  history
20.  Joyslin Hodge-Watson 824NY14.0  history989
21.  Jean Caputo 794PA13.3  history794
22.  Robin Schlauch 789MD13.2  history888
23.  Deborah Gawryla 728PA11.8  history728
24.  Don Gawryla 624PA 9.5  history642
25.  Karen Kaminski 605FL 9.1  history
26.  Paul Wood 438IA 6.1  history438
27.  Craig Knight 420MD 5.9  history420
28.  Sarah Bowe ---UT---  history
Average rating: 883
* = tentative
^ = playing up

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