Kingston, ON
3 Divisions / 56 Players / 12 Games / Open-rated / Tourney Results
Annotated Games

Round Player 1 Player 2 Game Livestream
1Stephen MaitreJosh SokolView game  
1Jackson SmylieJason LiView game  
2Josh SokolAni MigirdicyanView game  
2Jason LiCraig RowlandView game  
3Glenn DunlopJason LiView game  
3Shauna PetrieJosh SokolView game  
4Jason LiRoger CullmanView game  
4Josh SokolBrenda MegannetyView game  
5Lisa KesslerJosh SokolView game  
5Shan AbbasiJason LiView game  
6Josh SokolGeoff GibsonView game  
6Jason LiAlex RodriguezView game  
7Lynda WiseJosh SokolView game  
7Jason BroersmaJason LiView game  
8Josh SokolMad PalazzoView game  
8Jason LiZev KaufmanView game  
9Daria PetchJosh SokolView game  
9Gabriel Gauthier-ShalomJason LiView game  
10Josh SokolDiane BrownView game  
10Jason LiJackson SmylieView game  
11Geoff GibsonJosh SokolView game  
11Gabriel Gauthier-ShalomJason LiView game  
12Josh SokolMad PalazzoView game  
12Jason LiJackson SmylieView game  
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