TWL rating
Joseph Waldbaum
Joseph Waldbaum | Danvers, MA (USA)
(Peak: 1397)
Lifetime record
696-638-6 (0.522)
Career earnings: $3,041
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Boston Area Tournament Mini04/03/0433  -5520 of 38 (1)11673673  E
  2Boston Area Tournament Mini04/23/0524  -34121 of 26 (1)15673682669  E
  3Cape Cod MA10/29/05461 -6615 of 21 (4)17669740697  E
 4Lexington, MA (LCT)11/26/0542  -323 of 6 (7)4697835708  E
  5Dover NH01/21/0643  +1527 of 20 (4)4708736717  E
 6Lexington, MA (LCT)02/18/0624  -165 of 6 (8)3717 707  E
  7Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/29/0668  -22237 of 48 (5)29707658674  E
  8Dover NH05/20/0616  -39215 of 15 (4)12674430636  E
  9Exeter NH (LCT)02/17/0724  -1205 of 6 (4)4636615634  E
  10Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/13/0787  +10018 of 42 (5)38634818702  E
  11Dover NH06/09/0753  +3654 of 19 (4)11702870740 $40E
  12Boston MA07/07/0743  +4154 of 9 (8)1740684732  E
  13Essex VT11/16/0768  +18715 of 21 (4)10732645700  E
  14Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/26/0878  -21825 of 39 (5)32700746717  E
  15Essex VT11/08/0878  +1577 of 14 (4)10717701711  E
  16Lexington MA (LCT)11/29/0841  +3991 of 5 (8)2711874718 $40E
  17Danbury CT12/12/0878  +1216 of 11 (4)8718759739  E
  18Manchester CT02/14/0952  +1892 of 10 (3)4739988764 $60E
  19Saratoga Springs NY Main Event02/21/0986  +1548 of 24 (3)187641074828  E
  20Bayside NY03/14/0980  +7631 of 12 (3)98281840960 $100E
  21Northampton MA03/21/0933  +414 of 6 (6)1960897955  E
  22Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/17/0969  +2826 of 34 (5)5955598880  E
  23Mississauga ON05/09/0949  -55211 of 12 (3)8880572824  E
  24Pittsburgh PA06/13/0994  +1733 of 15 (3)48241071876 $180E
  25Bayside, NY07/11/0953  +1853 of 8 (4)48761091904  E
  26Manchester, CT08/22/0934  -75 of 10 (4)10904947909  E
  27Maine Event09/05/09137  +7742 of 8 (3)1909987934 $125E
  28Essex, VT Main Event11/13/09105  +5224 of 17 (4)39341003949 $75E
  29Bayside, NY12/05/0925 1-3105 of 5 (3)2949628916  E
  30Northampton, MA12/12/0915  -956 of 6 (3)2916177896  E
  31Atlantic City, NJ01/29/10144 1+14382 of 27 (4)68961212968 $500E
  32Charlotte, NC Main Event02/13/101012  +21513 of 19 (3)5968722901 $5E
  33Worcester, MA03/06/1033  +953 of 6 (6)4901930906  E
  34Northampton, MA03/20/1034  +485 of 8 (3)8906953911  E
  35Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/16/1096  +4317 of 30 (5)12911977927  E
  36Bayside, NY05/15/1053  +1403 of 10 (4)19271041940  E
  37Pittsburgh, PA06/12/1076  +2146 of 18 (3)4940868930  E
  38Nashua, NH Main Event06/19/1077  +3957 of 12 (4)1930721888  E
  39Concord, MA07/24/1026  -1687 of 8 (4)8888719871  E
  40Independence, OH Main Event08/21/1043  +2562 of 10 (4)88711085894  E
  41Independence, OH Late Bird08/22/1034  -539 of 10 (4)10894958901  E
  42Plymouth, MA10/30/1056 1-12310 of 15 (3)139011058926  E
  43Bayside Queens, NY11/06/1052 1+3342 of 7 (3)29261132946 $50E
  44Essex, VT Main Event11/19/1078  +34017 of 32 (3)299461071974  E
  45Lexington, MA11/27/1043  +1672 of 6 (5)39741056983 $85E
  46Northampton, MA12/04/1043  +246 of 12 (2)89831196990  E
  47Portsmouth, NH12/12/1034  -42713 of 16 (3)159901018993  E
  48Northampton, MA Main Event01/15/1176  +167 of 16 (2)1499313131049  E
  49Atlantic City, NJ01/29/11811  -45521 of 28 (3)2110499331020  E
  50Concord, MA03/05/1125  -3337 of 8 (4)41020702988  E
  51Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/08/11122 1+3531 of 35 (5)798814861084 $330E
  52Bayside, NY05/14/1135  -438 of 10 (2)610849241065  E
  53Pittsburgh, PA06/04/1176  +1047 of 18 (2)14106511671087  E
  54Hancock, MA Early Bird #206/17/1113 2-2089 of 10 (5)210874931058  E
  55Essex, VT Main Event11/18/11510  -67212 of 14 (3)1110589271030  E
  56Boston Area Tournament Mini04/13/1342  +2394 of 12 (1)210309851029  E
  57Florence, MA02/23/1433  +944 of 6 (3)3102910151028  E
  58Boston Area Tournament Main Event05/02/1496  +5406 of 25 (5)4102810771040  E
  59Pittsburgh, PA06/07/1467  -4248 of 10 (2)8104010681046  E
  60Newark, DE (Mildness)08/15/14147  +5803 of 14 (2)7104612911115 $125E
  61Brattleboro, VT10/05/1443  -1104 of 8 (2)7111513751143  E
  62Lake George, NY Main Event10/17/1487  -9912 of 28 (3)19114312101159  E
  63Essex, VT Main Event11/14/1468 1-9314 of 19 (2)311598351095  E
  64Newark, DE Main Event12/24/147121 -4876 of 8 (2)610959731061  E
  65Newark, DE Late Bird #112/26/1444  +1335 of 8 (3)110618521037  E
  66Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/17/1587  +15711 of 22 (5)210378861004  E
  67Pittsburgh, PA06/06/15310  -61914 of 14 (2)141004812976  E
  68Brattleboro, VT Main Event09/12/1542 1+3281 of 7 (3)39761115988  E
  69Brattleboro, VT Late Bird09/13/1543  +1572 of 8 (4)1988859978  E
  70Brattleboro, VT Main Event10/31/1543  -575 of 8 (2)49781041984  E
  71Brattleboro, VT Late Bird11/01/1534  +1695 of 8 (2)5984971983  E
  72Newark, DE Main Event12/24/1535  -1426 of 6 (2)69831027988  E
  73Newark, DE Late Bird #112/25/1544  +364 of 8 (2)898811811012  E
  74Newark, DE Late Bird #212/26/1544  +3123 of 8 (3)7101210611019  E
  75Brattleboro, VT04/16/1634  -2475 of 6 (3)510199711014  E
  76Florence, MA04/17/1642  +1872 of 6 (3)5101413041040 $50E
  77Niagara Falls, ON04/30/1685 1+18313 of 42 (2)24104011511060 $96E
  78New Castle, DE (Mildness)07/08/16912  -3157 of 10 (3)21060843998  E
  7927th National Championship Main Eve...08/06/161813  -48919 of 83 (4)11998990996  E
  80Lake George, NY Main Event10/14/1687  -38213 of 28 (4)1999610941019  E
  81Woburn, MA11/26/1643  +243 of 8 (4)6101911281031 $50E
  82Albany, NY Main Event01/01/171741 +13211 of 16 (3)6103115901159 $500E
  83Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/22/1759  -53711 of 14 (3)12115910471137  E
  84Brattleboro, VT Main Event09/23/1724 1-2127 of 9 (2)411379171118  E
  85Brattleboro, VT Late Bird09/24/1752  +1562 of 8 (3)2111812751133  E
  86Brattleboro, VT Main Event11/18/1752  +2821 of 8 (3)1113310491126  E
  87Brattleboro, VT Late Bird11/19/1743  +1062 of 6 (2)2112611771133  E
  88Woburn, MA11/25/1752  +7601 of 10 (3)2113310551131 $170E
  89Brattleboro, VT Main Event03/03/1834  -1006 of 8 (2)6113110841126  E
  90Brattleboro, VT Late Bird03/04/1852  +3731 of 8 (2)4112613601149  E
  91Boston Area Tournament Main Event05/05/1877  -1886 of 14 (4)9114911611152  E
  92Dover, DE Early Bird05/25/1823  -1044 of 6 (1)4115210561145  E
  93Dover, DE Main Event05/26/18128  +2964 of 12 (3)2114511641152  E
  9429th National Championship Main Eve...08/04/181218 1-42788 of 105 (3)5611529341066  E
  95Bethlehem, PA Early Bird09/07/1832  -53 of 6 (1)4106613161085  E
  96Bethlehem, PA Main Event09/07/1888  +3176 of 12 (3)310859651057  E
  97Woburn, MA11/24/1861  +4181 of 8 (4)1105714331087 $170E
  98New Castle, DE Late Bird #112/23/1844  +1673 of 8 (4)5108711091090  E
  99New Castle, DE Late Bird #212/24/1844  -1716 of 10 (2)9109012281108  E
  100New Castle, DE Late Bird #312/25/1862  +3971 of 10 (2)9110816001181  E
  101New Castle, DE12/26/1862  -752 of 10 (2)6118115071217  E
  102Princeton, NJ03/29/19165  +12522 of 4 (1)2121716151301  E
  103Woburn, MA Early Bird #104/05/1950  +1951 of 6 (2)5130122711383 $90E
  104Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/06/1995  +3783 of 14 (2)3138314541397 $115E
  10530th National Championship Main Eve...07/20/19131521+23841 of 71 (3)2139710761268  E
  106Bethlehem, PA Early Bird09/06/1923  -3197 of 8 (1)7126813191271  E
  107Bethlehem, PA Main Event09/06/1988  +3410 of 16 (2)6127111261240  E
  108Brattleboro, VT Main Event09/21/1934  -3086 of 8 (2)5124011741233  E
  109Brattleboro, VT Late Bird09/22/1943  +523 of 6 (2)3123313071242  E
  110Woburn, MA Main Event11/30/1925  -2487 of 8 (2)8124210611224  E
  111Florence, MA Main Event12/22/1921  +2041 of 4 (2)2122414071227 $25E
  112Florence, MA Late Bird12/22/1912  -2093 of 4 (2)212278491221  E
  113Holden, MA03/08/2062  +2212 of 8 (2)3122114661246  E
  114Northampton, MA04/09/2213  -2103 of 4 (1)4124611701242  E
  115Brattleboro, VT Main Event05/14/2252  +1003 of 8 (2)4124213931256  E
  116Brattleboro, VT Late Bird05/15/2224 1-295 of 7 (2)212568771225  E
  11731st National Championship07/23/221318  -51067 of 78 (3)45122510561156  E
  118Manchester, NH08/28/2243  +102 of 6 (3)3115611981163  E
  119Holden, MA09/11/2252  +972 of 8 (3)6116314511193  E
  120Brattleboro, VT Main Event09/24/22331 -1994 of 6 (2)2119310741180  E
  121Epping, NH06/10/2316  -7448 of 8 (2)411806251132  E
  122Epping, NH Main Event08/19/2334  -2577 of 8 (3)6113210961128  E
  123Epping, NH Late Bird08/20/2325  +207 of 8 (3)511288301098  E
  124Lake George, NY Early Bird #110/12/2343  -689 of 13 (3)5109810531094  E
  125Lake George, NY Early Bird #210/13/2341  +3001 of 6 (7)2109414801121 $60E
  126Lake George, NY Main Event10/13/2378  +17812 of 24 (4)13112110681110  E
  127Lexington, MA11/25/2315  -3706 of 6 (3)611107461084  E
Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
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