TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Therese Berreyesa
Therese Berreyesa | Novato, CA (USA)
(Peak: 1192)
Lifetime record
140-189-2 (0.426)
Career earnings: $273
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1San Francisco CA01/19/9157  +13415 of 20 (3)14 955  E
  2San Francisco CA01/11/9248  25 of 30 (3)18955897931  E
  3San Jose CA02/22/92210  -55625 of 28 (2)25931935917  E
  4Campbell CA05/23/9257  -21824 of 33 (2)2891712871080  E
  5Reno NV07/10/92810  -39690 of 123 (2)105108010711084  E
 6Grand Canyon AZ11/13/9267 1-2913 of 26 (3)151084 1106  E
  7San Jose CA02/13/9359 1-25031 of 35 (2)28110610791099  E
  8San Francisco CA04/04/9351  1 of 6 (4)11099 1126  E
  9Santa Clara CA05/29/93210 3-34338 of 39 (2)2811269471071  E
 10Oakland CA07/11/9324  +1244 of 6 (4)21071 1058  E
  11Oakland CA08/01/9324  +325 of 8 (5)510589991048  E
  12Oakland CA09/12/93321 +2944 of 6 (4)11048 1038  E
  13Oakland CA10/03/9342  +5482 of 8 (2)81038 1081 $26E
  14Santa Clara CA10/23/93771 +48718 of 38 (2)30108111911113  E
 15Oakland CA11/07/9351  +5351 of 7 (3)21113 1132 $50E
  16Oakland CA11/13/9424  -3067 of 8 (3)81132 1143  E
  17Oakland CA12/11/9424  -554 of 6 (4)41143 1122  E
  18Oakland CA02/12/9515  -2688 of 8 (4)711229571101  E
  19Oakland CA03/12/9551  +1771 of 6 (4)61101 1182 $52E
  20Mill Valley CA06/30/9633  3 of 6 (3)31182 1181  E
  21Oakland CA07/14/9642  +472 of 8 (4)1118112381192 $29E
  22Oakland CA09/08/9624  5 of 6 (4)31192 1190  E
 23Oakland CA12/15/9624  6 of 8 (3)21190 1159  E
  24Oakland CA02/09/9733  -85 of 8 (4)5115911891164  E
  25Oakland CA05/04/9733  -1354 of 6 (4)2116411271160  E
 26Mill Valley CA06/22/9706  -4538 of 8 (4)411604451098  E
  27Oakland CA11/16/9733  -565 of 8 (4)310989921083  E
  28Oakland CA12/14/9724  -2395 of 6 (3)5108311121085  E
  29Oakland CA03/08/9842  +2242 of 8 (5)210859971075 $26E
  30Mill Valley CA06/14/9833  -95 of 8 (4)6107511971095  E
  31Oakland CA11/15/9833  -693 of 6 (4)5109512111113 $20E
  32Los Gatos CA B12/06/9824  -2757 of 8 (4)311139501087  E
  33Oakland CA01/10/9933  +1043 of 6 (4)108712161110 $20E
  34Oakland CA03/14/9933  +1324 of 8 (4)3111011231113 $20E
  35Oakland CA04/18/9942  -112 of 6 (3)2111312091129 $30E
  36Oakland CA05/16/9924  -1295 of 6 (3)3112910191112  E
  37Campbell CA05/29/99109  +62710 of 20 (3)311129801068  E
  38Mill Valley CA06/27/9924  -1966 of 6 (3)6106810411063  E
  39Los Gatos CA Late Bird08/01/9924  -1275 of 6 (3)5106310531061  E
  40Mill Valley CA05/01/0524  +1116 of 8 (5)510619891050  E
  41Mill Valley CA07/16/0615  -2966 of 6 (4)110507121000  E
  42Mill Valley CA08/12/0724  -4317 of 8 (4)81000953993  E
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