TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Phyllis Clare
Phyllis Clare | NY
(Peak: 1232)
Lifetime record
177-179-4 (0.497)
Career earnings: $405
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Bird-In-Hand PA09/27/0238  -61941 of 44 (2)41113711111127  E
  2Atlantic City NJ06/30/027101 -6015 of 20 (4)6118810091137  E
  3Atlantic City NJ08/26/018712-22714 of 26 (4)17119111551188  E
  4Atlantic City NJ01/19/0166  -32722 of 42 (3)9123110931191  E
  5Bird-In-Hand PA08/25/0057  -33829 of 36 (2)22123212361231  E
  6Plainview LI NY07/08/0061  +3711 of 8 (3)3117714541232 $60E
  7Port Jefferson LI NY03/10/00132  +7971 of 20 (3)3115711741177 $200E
  8Plainview LI NY02/12/0043  +1725 of 10 (4)2116810821157  E
  9Atlantic City NJ08/29/99891 -12711 of 24 (4)12117411691168  E
  10Atlantic City NJ01/22/9975  +42311 of 48 (3)116112011174  E
  11Bird-In-Hand PA11/20/9884  +887 of 34 (3)2118710651161  E
  12Atlantic City NJ08/30/98117  +4967 of 22 (3)13112712191187  E
  13Plainview LI NY05/23/9843  +1524 of 10 (5)2112811201127  E
  14Atlantic City NJ01/23/9875  +9813 of 42 (3)25110211761128  E
  15Plainview LI NY10/12/9736  -3909 of 10 (4)7112010281102  E
 16Plainview LI NY06/14/9772  +3671 of 12 (4)11102 1120 $60E
  17Atlantic City NJ01/24/9757  +7633 of 53 (3)2311539951102  E
  18Plainview LI NY12/07/9661  +2251 of 10 (4)10106614221153 $60E
  19Ronkonkoma LI NY08/03/9625  9 of 10 (5)71088 1066  E
  20Atlantic City NJ01/19/9648  -25940 of 47 (3)36110210601088  E
  21Plainview LI NY11/04/9516  -3008 of 8 (6)411548381102  E
  22Ronkonkoma LI NY06/24/9525  -389 of 10 (5)4118110201154  E
  23Brooklyn NY (LCT)06/01/9522  13 of 20 (1)61184 1181  E
  24Plainview LI NY05/20/9534  -11938 of 10 (5)5119611371184  E
  25Poconos PA04/28/9547  -59528 of 32 (2)31116113071196  E
  26Atlantic City NJ01/20/95471 -60552 of 62 (3)24118411151161  E
  27Smithtown LI NY12/03/9452  +942 of 8 (5)4115113111184 $25E
  28Avalon NJ09/23/94210  -53538 of 38 (2)35118810521151  E
  29Atlantic City NJ01/21/9493  +3924 of 84 (3)27109912351188  E
  30Atlantic City NJ01/22/9374 1+10626 of 85 (3)41102211681099  E
  31Cape Cod MA10/30/9244  13 of 28 (2)17101010541022  E
  32Atlantic City NJ01/24/9227 3-62762 of 66 (3)2911377431010  E
  33Ocean City NJ09/07/9055  -1931 of 58 (2)441087 1137  E
  34Baltimore MD06/15/9037  -24845 of 54 (2)49 1087  E
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