TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Jim Pate
Jim Pate | Birmingham, AL (USA)
(Peak: 1861)
Lifetime record
430-489-5 (0.468)
Career earnings: $260
Avg. score
Major Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  11st National Championship05/19/7888  -35447 of 65 (1) 130 E
  22nd National Championship11/14/80710  -47328 of 32 (1) 1823  E
  34th National Championship07/28/85148  +47240 of 302 (1)891839   E
  45th National Championship07/05/8710101 +100165 of 327 (1)891801 1750  E
  58th National Championship08/04/901314  +35891 of 179 (1)1171754 1754  E
  69th National Championship08/09/921314  +24192 of 176 (1)130169717711793  E
  710th National Championship08/13/941413  -25961 of 134 (1)89178318381811  E
  811th National Championship07/21/961017  -42896 of 108 (1)81177917681759 $25E
  912th National Championship08/09/981417  -46492 of 126 (1)93179517741772  E
  1013th National Championship08/06/001318  -91577 of 98 (1)78176217431751  E
  1114th National Championship08/18/0213171 -320100 of 132 (1)100174117811750  E
  1215th National Championship08/01/04822  -2015172 of 173 (1)158164815351577  E
  1320th National Championship08/01/09111811-487107 of 127 (1)122147214521469  E
  1422nd National Championship Main Eve...08/06/11922  -2100104 of 108 (1)105141713421388  E
  1524th National Championship Main Eve...07/20/13822 1-1804125 of 125 (1)123141512981371  E
  1625th National Championship Main Eve...08/09/147231 -171990 of 92 (1)90137112681341 $25E
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