TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Barbara Munde
Barbara Munde | Washington Mills, NY (USA)
(Peak: 1290)
Lifetime record
108-148-1 (0.422)
Career earnings: $50
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
 1Mohawk Valley Open05/13/8932  -3018 of 34 (1)19 1278  E
  2Mohawk Valley Open05/19/9032  +2317 of 43 (1)181278 1290  E
  3New Hartford NY08/06/9033  +999 of 22 (1)51290 1232  E
  4Team Tournament12/08/9037  -42074 of 84 (1)721232 1181  E
  5New Hartford, NY (LCT)02/04/9142  +1727 of 28 (1)81181 1159  E
  6Mohawk Valley Open05/04/9155  -28424 of 42 (1)311159 1153  E
 7New Hartford NY08/12/9133  +1299 of 18 (1)   E
  8Mohawk Valley Open05/02/9255  +21011 of 25 (2)10115310731136  E
  9Team Tournament12/12/9246  -35439 of 52 (1)52113613061162 $20E
  10Mohawk Valley Open05/01/9364 1+338 of 24 (2)5117210581146  E
  11Team Tournament12/11/9328  -61542 of 44 (2)3511628991101  E
  12Canajoharie Cup03/25/9414  9 of 10 (2)311017571057  E
  13Mohawk Valley Open04/30/9455 1+12211 of 26 (2)1410579811039  E
  14Canajoharie Cup10/––/9432  +444 of 10 (2)7103912101062  E
  15Canajoharie Cup03/26/9514  -2189 of 10 (2)410627761026  E
  16Mohawk Valley Open05/06/9555  -26815 of 24 (2)16102611401056  E
  17Canajoharie Cup09/30/9505  -2719 of 10 (2)410563311007  E
  18Mohawk Valley Open05/04/9655  +18513 of 28 (2)16100710581020  E
  19Canajoharie Cup10/––/9641  +4071 of 9 (3)1102011641041  E
  20Canajoharie Cup03/29/9741  +3222 of 9 (3)2104111841060  E
  21Mohawk Valley Open05/03/9746  +7015 of 20 (2)1110608981025  E
  22Mohawk Valley Open04/25/9865  +1456 of 18 (2)10102510371036  E
  23Mohawk Valley Open05/01/9956  +177 of 12 (3)410369131001  E
  24Mohawk Valley Open05/06/0082  +1933 of 14 (3)3100111311034 $30E
  25Canajoharie Cup03/25/0114  -21813 of 14 (2)910349191019  E
  26Canajoharie Cup03/23/0232  +913 of 10 (3)210199711015  E
  27Mohawk Valley Open05/04/0257  -5129 of 13 (3)910159841005  E
  28Canajoharie Cup03/22/0314  -54910 of 10 (2)10100510411006  E
  29Mohawk Valley Open05/03/03291 -36212 of 12 (3)71006793941  E
  30Canajoharie Cup03/20/0423  -527 of 10 (2)109411161963  E
  31Mohawk Valley Open05/01/0439  -41911 of 12 (3)11963869934  E
  32Canajoharie Cup03/26/0514  -1467 of 9 (3)6934634898  E
  33Mohawk Valley Open04/30/05111  -56014 of 14 (3)14898619834  E
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