TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Danny Bibb
Danny Bibb | IN (USA)
(Peak: 1896)
Lifetime record
235-189-3 (0.554)
Career earnings: $625
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Cleves OH06/07/8655  22 of 39 (2) 1391  E
 2Marion IN10/18/86—no data—13 of 23 (2)61391 1352  E
 3Step 2 (Williamstown KY)03/21/8764  +4858 of 17 (1)91352 1330  E
  4Marion IN 3-IN-105/21/88—no data—47 of 64 (1)501330 1457  E
  5Marion IN10/01/8864  +13921 of 62 (1)421457 1650  E
  6Cincinnati OH11/12/8873 1+1955 of 32 (2)61650 1643  E
  7Williamstown KY04/15/8964  -29 of 21 (1)81643 1611  E
  8Cincinnati OH04/29/8943  -1584 of 8 (2)51611 1623  E
 9Kentucky Marathon07/01/89523 2-185613 of 13 (1)   E
 10Marion IN09/16/89541 +49925 of 66 (1)331623 1629  E
  11Cincinnati OH10/08/89421 +2903 of 9 (2)21629 1639  E
  12Memphis TN03/03/9064  +1405 of 13 (1)51639 1650  E
  13Gatlinburg TN04/07/90910  +27813 of 22 (3)61650 1632  E
  14Cleves OH06/02/9073  +5054 of 32 (2)31632 1636  E
  15Cincinnati OH09/15/9043  +16213 of 34 (1)121636 1643  E
  16Gatlinburg TN03/23/91144  +8292 of 22 (3)131643 1741 $300E
 17Masters Championship08/03/911314  -18094 of 160 (1)1061741 1769  E
 18Cincinnati OH06/13/9256  -117 of 12 (2)21769 1731  E
  19Gatlinburg TN04/03/93108  -12210 of 24 (2)13173118311752  E
  20Elizabethtown KY05/28/94710  -3738 of 14 (1)9175217511752  E
  21New Albany IN10/01/9452  +3542 of 8 (1)51752 1785 $35E
  22Gatlinburg TN04/08/9599  +37614 of 26 (2)6178516811758  E
  23Elizabethtown KY05/27/95125  +3481 of 18 (1)17175820071862 $210E
 24Kentucky Marathon07/01/95157  +10742 of 11 (1)   E
  25Saint Louis MO07/15/9560  +6551 of 6 (1)11862 1888 $50E
  26New Albany IN09/23/95421 +3274 of 10 (1)21888 1893  E
  27Gatlinburg TN03/30/9699  +8011 of 24 (1)14189319171896  E
  28Elizabethtown KY05/25/9698  -6437 of 12 (1)3189618121871  E
 29New Albany IN11/02/9643  4 of 10 (1)31871 1869  E
  30Elizabethtown KY05/24/9768  -1386 of 10 (1)4186917701838  E
 31Kentucky Marathon07/––/97139  3 of 10 (1)   E
  32Gatlinburg TN04/04/98108  -5211 of 30 (1)21183819001869  E
  33Elizabethtown KY04/25/9852  +1483 of 8 (1)2186918831875  E
  34Elizabethtown KY05/23/9859  -13812 of 14 (1)4187516911819  E
  35Elizabethtown KY06/27/9852  +1923 of 8 (1)2181917281813  E
  36Elizabethtown KY07/18/9843  +803 of 8 (1)1181317541805  E
  37Elizabethtown KY05/29/9959  -6869 of 10 (1)6180517011767  E
  38Elizabethtown KY05/27/0068  -2278 of 10 (1)9176717671767  E
  39Elizabethtown KY12/15/0073  +942 of 6 (1)3176718621793 $30E
  40Elizabethtown KY07/17/0468  -2153 of 4 (1)3162616271625  E
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