TWL rating

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Cheri Eder
Cheri Eder | Redmond, OR (USA)
(Peak: 831)
Lifetime record
151-319-1 (0.322)
Career earnings: $145
Avg. score
renew NASPA membership
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Portland OR Early Bird08/31/0107  -67312 of 12 (5)12556556  E
  2Portland OR Main Event03/09/0267  +828 of 12 (4)7556854707  E
  3Portland OR Late Bird03/10/0213  -2512 of 16 (2)14707842716  E
  4Portland, OR (LCT)04/06/0224  03 of 4 (3)3716 717  E
 5Portland, OR (LCT)05/––/02—no data—3 of 8 (2)7717 745  E
  6Portland OR Early Bird08/30/0226  -4808 of 8 (3)4745567691  E
  7Portland OR Late Bird09/02/0203  -19015 of 15 (2)15691400686  E
  8Portland Vs Seattle09/28/0234  -1106 of 10 (4)7686723692  E
 9Portland, OR (LCT)12/14/02—no data—3 of 9 (3)8692 693  E
  10Portland OR Main Event03/22/0339  -32822 of 23 (4)19693697690  E
  11Portland OR Late Bird03/23/0303  -22915 of 15 (2)14690284681  E
  12Portland OR Early Bird08/29/0353  +875 of 12 (5)8681908731  E
  13Portland OR Late Bird09/01/0304  -58120 of 20 (2)20731476722  E
  14Portland, OR (LCT)12/28/0324  -795 of 6 (3)12722863728  E
  15Portland, OR (LCT)02/22/0406  -4276 of 6 (4)6728356723  E
  16Portland OR Main Event03/27/0476  +6514 of 27 (4)18723798751  E
  17Portland OR Late Bird03/28/0404  -31918 of 18 (1)18751549740  E
  18Portland Vs Seattle09/25/0434  -2927 of 11 (4)6740674728  E
  19Portland, OR (LCT)11/28/0415  -5578 of 8 (2)8728883731  E
  20Portland, OR (LCT)01/23/0506  -6796 of 6 (2)6731496729  E
 21Portland, OR (LCT)02/26/05—no data—7 of 7 (3)7729 741  E
 22Portland, OR (LCT)05/22/05—no data—5 of 6 (3)6741 734  E
 23Portland, OR (LCT)07/02/0535  -1797 of 9 (3)8734 736  E
  24Portland Vs Seattle09/24/0534  -2539 of 12 (4)8736742737  E
  25Portland, OR (LCT)10/30/0524  -5795 of 6 (2)67371069746  E
 26Portland, OR (LCT)01/21/06—no data—7 of 7 (3)7746 737  E
 27Portland, OR (LCT)02/26/0614  -1724 of 5 (3)5737790738  E
  28Portland, OR (LCT)03/26/0624  -3105 of 6 (3)6738925745  E
 29Portland, OR (LCT)04/30/06—no data—5 of 6 (2)6745 748  E
  30Oregon Tile05/05/0688  -21910 of 20 (2)14748876796  E
  31Portland Vs Seattle09/30/0652  +2232 of 10 (4)7796973829 $15E
  32Portland, OR (LCT)10/22/0624  -4095 of 6 (2)5829916831  E
  33Lake Oswego OR11/26/0615  -2207 of 7 (4)1831400771  E
  34Portland, OR (LCT)01/28/0733  -1975 of 8 (2)77711050783  E
  35Portland, OR (LCT)02/25/0724  -1706 of 8 (2)87831093792  E
  36Portland OR Early Bird08/31/0744  -1629 of 14 (4)9792774789  E
  37Portland OR Late Bird09/03/0713  -11612 of 14 (2)12789873789  E
  38Lake Oswego OR11/25/0733  -1934 of 6 (3)1789765785  E
  39Portland, OR (LCT)01/27/0806  -6268 of 8 (2)8785553782  E
  40Lake Oswego OR02/24/0833  +625 of 8 (4)3782694770  E
  41Portland, OR (LCT)03/22/0835  -1745 of 6 (2)6770843774  E
  42Oregon Tile Main Event05/03/0897  +2909 of 26 (2)17774890818 $100E
  43Portland Vs Seattle09/27/08241 -16310 of 15 (4)11818778810  E
  44Portland OR11/01/0843  +3425 of 8 (5)4810816814  E
  45Lake Oswego OR02/08/0924  -3446 of 6 (5)3814571793  E
  46Lake Oswego, OR (LCT)03/14/0933  -1753 of 4 (4)3793777793  E
  47Oregon Tile Main Event05/02/09411  -103015 of 16 (2)13793633764  E
  48Lake Oswego, OR (LCT)06/14/0924  +566 of 8 (3)8764740763  E
  49Lake Oswego, OR (LCT)07/26/0924  -835 of 6 (3)6763683761  E
  50Portland, OR Early Bird09/04/0917  -34110 of 10 (6)6761143704  E
  51Portland OR Main Event09/05/09911  -16122 of 30 (4)23704741715  E
  52Sherwood, OR11/15/0915  -5846 of 6 (3)6715528703  E
  53Oswego, OR01/31/1033  +3743 of 6 (3)5703789705  E
  54Oswego, OR (LCT)02/21/1024  -174 of 6 (4)4705575701  E
  55Oswego, OR (LCT)03/14/1033  -505 of 8 (3)6701794704  E
  56Portland, OR04/11/1042  +612 of 6 (5)3704933727 $30E
  57Oregon Tile Early Bird04/30/1005  -64226 of 28 (1)27727402714  E
  58Oregon Tile Main Event04/30/1069  -46420 of 26 (2)21714662704  E
  59Portland, OR Late Bird09/05/1104  -49310 of 10 (2)970429685  E
  60Lake Oswego, OR12/04/1115  -1409 of 9 (3)6685344665  E
  61Portland, OR10/28/1215  -3286 of 6 (3)5665554660  E
  62Portland, OR06/08/1314 1-3298 of 9 (3)6660514653  E
  63Portland, OR05/24/1415  -837 of 8 (2)7653388638  E
  64Portland, OR10/12/1415  -55510 of 10 (2)9638722644  E
  65Portland, OR04/26/1524  -1765 of 6 (2)5644605641  E
  66Portland, OR06/20/1515  -4688 of 8 (2)4641262618  E
  67Portland, OR10/18/1514 1-4627 of 7 (2)6618487611  E
  68Portland, OR02/14/1624  -5027 of 8 (1)76111074632  E
  69Portland, OR03/19/1614 1-7069 of 11 (1)11632950644  E
  70Portland, OR04/30/1605 1-5067 of 7 (2)66441617  E
  71Portland, OR06/05/1606  -6956 of 6 (2)561741593  E
  72Portland, OR10/16/1606  -86710 of 10 (1)959313567  E
  73West Linn, OR06/04/1715  -3647 of 8 (1)7567486563  E
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