TWL rating
James Krycka
James Krycka | Jessup, MD (USA)
(Peak: 1028)
Lifetime record
268-306-8 (0.467)
Career earnings: $700
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Brattleboro, VT08/05/1233  -335 of 8 (5)8 674  E
  2Watertown, MA12/01/1253  +753 of 8 (2)8674997752  E
  3Brattleboro, VT01/27/1323 1-356 of 7 (6)2752648740  E
  4Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/12/1359 1-45521 of 25 (5)23740655713  E
  5Albany, NY Early Bird #107/02/1335  -1316 of 8 (4)7713610695  E
  6Albany, NY Early Bird #207/03/1333  -103 of 8 (5)7695821712  E
  7Brattleboro, VT08/04/13241 -30411 of 14 (3)12712516682  E
  8Florence, MA10/13/1305  -2726 of 6 (4)46821633  E
  9Florence, MA12/08/1341  +1141 of 6 (4)26331231685 $85E
  10Albany, NY Early Bird #112/27/1343 1+233 of 9 (3)8685953713  E
  11Albany, NY Early Bird #212/28/1342  +2172 of 6 (6)4713997738  E
  12Florence, MA02/23/1433  +825 of 6 (4)4738777745  E
  13Brattleboro, VT03/16/1425  -1808 of 8 (4)4745525723  E
  14Boston Area Tournament Early Bird05/02/1405  -31626 of 26 (1)26723274706  E
  15Boston Area Tournament Main Event05/02/1477 1-26117 of 25 (5)21706847735  E
  16Brattleboro, VT06/01/142311-1476 of 10 (3)7735695731  E
  17Albany, NY Early Bird #107/02/1444  +825 of 8 (3)7731868748  E
  18Albany, NY Early Bird #207/03/14221 -984 of 8 (4)8748915761  E
  1925th National Championship Main Eve...08/09/141714  -4023 of 72 (4)45761863808  E
  20Brattleboro, VT10/05/14241 -396 of 8 (4)1808516778  E
  21Albany, NY12/30/1444  +74 of 6 (3)2778766777  E
  22Boston Area Tournament Early Bird04/17/1514  -69917 of 18 (1)18777967785  E
  23Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/17/1578  +1516 of 22 (5)15785785785  E
  24Brattleboro, VT05/03/1534  -655 of 8 (3)6785794786  E
  25Albany, NY Early Bird #207/02/1541  +11 of 8 (6)57861293831  E
  26Albany, NY Main Event07/02/15614 1-62224 of 25 (3)23831793821  E
  27Brattleboro, VT Main Event09/12/1524 1-4177 of 7 (3)6821689810  E
  28Brattleboro, VT Late Bird09/13/15331 +305 of 8 (4)5810789810  E
  29Lake George, NY Early Bird #210/16/1532  +544 of 10 (5)98101043827  E
  30Lake George, NY Main Event10/16/151041 +2896 of 36 (4)188271118889 $60E
  31Burlington, VT Main Event02/27/1625 1-2019 of 11 (1)9889988896  E
  32Burlington, VT Late Bird02/28/1624  -2876 of 6 (2)3896675877  E
  33Poughkeepsie, NY Early Bird03/11/1614  -35610 of 10 (1)9877739872  E
  34Poughkeepsie, NY Main Event03/12/1668  -52514 of 18 (2)14872844868  E
  35Brattleboro, VT04/16/1661  +3551 of 8 (4)48681401924 $80E
  36Florence, MA04/17/1642  +551 of 6 (4)19241061936 $80E
  37Brattleboro, VT Main Event10/01/1652  -523 of 8 (2)79361346984  E
  38Brattleboro, VT Late Bird10/02/1643  +1564 of 8 (3)1984915977  E
  39Lake George, NY Early Bird #210/14/1641  +1482 of 8 (5)897715131028  E
  40Lake George, NY Main Event10/14/162121 -100628 of 28 (4)151028543934  E
  41Woburn, MA11/26/1643  -144 of 8 (5)2934965937  E
  42Poughkeepsie, NY Main Event03/11/1767 1+4547 of 15 (4)8937702898  E
  43Brattleboro, VT Late Bird04/02/1743  +845 of 8 (3)4898977908  E
  44Boston Area Tournament Early Bird04/21/1713 1-1535 of 5 (4)3908502885  E
  45Boston Area Tournament Main Event04/22/1786  +3568 of 14 (5)4885870882  E
  46Northampton, MA06/04/1733  -364 of 6 (2)68821053898  E
  47Brattleboro, VT Main Event09/23/1724 1-2208 of 9 (2)8898842893  E
  48Brattleboro, VT Late Bird09/24/1725  -4387 of 8 (3)7893712875  E
  49Brattleboro, VT Main Event11/18/1734  -1337 of 8 (3)3875677855  E
  50Brattleboro, VT Late Bird11/19/1743  +475 of 8 (3)4855906860  E
  51Woburn, MA11/25/1743  +1374 of 10 (3)6860853862  E
  52Brattleboro, VT Main Event03/03/1843  +2972 of 8 (3)4862929869  E
  53Brattleboro, VT Late Bird03/04/1825  -1967 of 8 (2)8869789862  E
  54Boston Area Tournament Early Bird #...05/04/1805  -4108 of 8 (2)8862280837  E
  55Boston Area Tournament Main Event05/05/18761 +3607 of 12 (5)6837799830  E
  56Brattleboro, VT Main Event06/02/1825  -387 of 8 (3)5830514803  E
  57Brattleboro, VT Late Bird06/03/1843  +2275 of 8 (3)5803977820  E
  58Lake George, NY Early Bird #110/17/1953  +2164 of 10 (3)78201023845 $45E
  59Lake George, NY Early Bird #210/18/1914  -1908 of 8 (7)5845411817  E
  60Lake George, NY Main Event10/18/19104 1+2322 of 17 (4)78171046862 $250E
  6131st National Championship Early Bi...07/22/2231  +175 of 15 (3)98621305892 $20E
  6231st National Championship07/23/221417  -49846 of 59 (4)29892801858  E
  63Lake George, NY Early Bird #210/14/2250  +4851 of 10 (7)58581843936 $80E
  64Lake George, NY Main Event10/14/2287  -809 of 18 (5)1936859925  E
  65Catonsville, MD10/29/2216  -1378 of 8 (3)1925232867  E
  66Wilmington, DE04/19/24610  -50816 of 18 (3)15867707833  E
  67Reisterstown, MD05/04/2425  -3107 of 10 (3)9833630813  E
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