TWL rating
Constance J. Creech
Constance J. Creech | Metamora, MI (USA)
961 / 871
(Peak: 1097)
Lifetime record
298-363-3 (0.451)
Career earnings: $840
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Bermuda05/06/12126  +7873 of 10 (4)4 766 $130E
  2Linden, MI Late Bird #107/14/1225  -1008 of 10 (3)9766619745  E
  3South Lyon, MI10/27/1234 1+1124 of 7 (3)4745809754  E
  4Linden, MI Late Bird #101/05/1325  -49210 of 10 (4)8754575729  E
  5Port Clinton, OH Main Event02/16/1369  -82635 of 42 (1)40729921780  E
  6Arden Cup05/25/13109 1-13915 of 25 (5)14780876806  E
  7Detroit, MI07/14/1351  +6242 of 8 (4)28061149830  E
  824th National Championship Main Eve...07/20/1316141 -42436 of 95 (4)49830872851  E
  9Linden, MI Main Event08/17/1325  -2588 of 10 (3)9851709839  E
  10Strongsville, OH12/08/1316  -45424 of 24 (1)24839722832  E
  11Linden, MI Main Event01/04/1434  -1344 of 6 (3)5832961847  E
  12Sandusky, OH Main Event02/15/14411  -76530 of 30 (1)29847839848  E
  13Michigan Madness06/28/1477  -1417 of 12 (3)9848918864  E
  1425th National Championship Main Eve...08/09/141417  -463116 of 164 (3)1588641018932  E
  15South Lyon, MI10/18/1435  -50611 of 12 (3)9932903929  E
  16Strongsville, OH12/07/1443  -15512 of 22 (1)209291561998  E
  17Crescent City Cup01/17/15614  -31423 of 26 (2)15998609902 $10E
  18Port Clinton, OH Main Event02/14/1578  -6322 of 38 (1)349021026928  E
  19South Lyon, MI04/18/1535  -4715 of 6 (3)4928911926  E
  20Michigan Madness Main Event06/20/1559  -48814 of 16 (2)13926891919  E
  2126th National Championship Main Eve...08/01/15129 10+51740 of 46 (4)109191039917  E
  2226th National Championship Q-Finals08/04/1531  -33 of 8 (4)69171405955  E
  2326th National Championship S-Finals08/04/1531  +1162 of 4 (4)39551299975  E
  2426th National Championship Finals08/05/1503 2-2232 of 2 (4)297589949 $500E
  25Cleveland, OH Late Bird09/20/1543  +755 of 8 (3)89491278984  E
  26South Lyon, MI10/24/1517  -4526 of 6 (3)4984353924  E
  27Strongsville, OH12/06/1534  +16211 of 20 (1)199241290956  E
  28Crescent City Cup01/16/16119  -11717 of 34 (2)229561098991  E
  29Port Clinton, OH Main Event02/13/162112 -105325 of 26 (1)25991830965  E
  30South Lyon, MI04/23/1662  +3452 of 8 (3)29651280998  E
  31Niagara Falls, ON04/30/16311  -4340 of 42 (2)31998335889  E
  3227th National Championship Main Eve...08/06/161813  +69312 of 83 (4)33889999942 $200E
  33Cowtown Usa Scrabble Tournament , O...10/08/1625  -1967 of 8 (3)3942640916  E
  34South Lyon, MI10/29/1644  +166 of 10 (2)79161009926  E
  35Valley View, OH12/10/1643  +2388 of 22 (1)189261272961  E
  36South Lyon, MI04/29/1753  +1332 of 6 (3)496113601013  E
  37Niagara Falls, ON (CSW)05/20/17715  -934102 of 110 (1)9710131003998  E
  3828th National Championship (CSW)07/22/171021  -142221 of 22 (2)15998753871  E
  39Columbus (Dublin), OH10/07/1752  -963 of 14 (2)10101315041076  E
  40South Lyon, MI10/28/1744  -1374 of 6 (3)110768111045  E
  41Port Clinton, OH Main Event02/17/18411  -42627 of 28 (1)2410458001003  E
  42South Lyon, MI04/28/1817  -4218 of 8 (3)51003324941  E
  4329th National Championship Main Eve...08/04/181615  -20133 of 58 (4)16941924934  E
  44Niagara Falls, ON08/10/181110  +8116 of 38 (2)289341155999  E
  45South Lyon, MI10/27/1835  -21610 of 10 (2)6999858982  E
  46Medina, OH03/16/1967  -14715 of 18 (2)149821000985  E
  47South Lyon, MI04/27/1962  +2642 of 8 (3)398513581023  E
  48West Jefferson, OH10/05/1943  +793 of 6 (4)2102310241023  E
  49South Lyon, MI10/30/2144  +165 of 10 (2)10102312371050  E
  50South Lyon, MI10/29/2261 1+3981 of 8 (3)4105015531097  E
  512024 Scrabble Players Championship ...07/19/2413  -10514 of 16 (3)1210977821079  E
  5233rd National Championship07/20/241417  -15454 of 69 (4)61079770961  E
Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
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