TWL rating

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Oliver Roeder
Oliver Roeder | Brooklyn, NY (USA)
(Peak: 1665)
Lifetime record
214-194-3 (0.524)
Career earnings: $110
Avg. score
renew NASPA membership
First-Place Finishes
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Bryan, TX Main Event01/16/1084  +7191 of 6 (4)19831029994  E
  2Austin, TX07/17/1042  +3791 of 6 (3)3124114601261 $30E
  3Austin, TX10/09/1060  +6401 of 9 (3)2133321651401 $40E
  4Austin, TX06/25/1151  +5011 of 6 (2)2143418711470  E
  5Irving, TX Early Bird09/16/1151  +3151 of 6 (2)6143920311505  E
  6Austin, TX09/24/1151  +3631 of 8 (2)2147818991512  E
  7Austin, TX01/28/1242  +2851 of 6 (2)1149916091509  E
  8Austin, TX07/28/1251  +4231 of 8 (1)3156220631607  E
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