TWL rating
Sharon Janssen
Sharon Janssen | London, ON (CAN)
957 / 1038
(Peak: 1134)
Lifetime record
461-512-4 (0.474)
Career earnings: $540
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Kingston ON01/24/0948  -412 of 12 (3)10678678  E
  2Cambridge ON04/18/0943  +557 of 16 (4)15678956732  E
  3Club 3 Championship06/03/0935 1-648 of 10 (2)97321003745  E
  4Guelph ON08/09/0933  +244 of 6 (3)5745839759  E
  5Kingston, ON01/16/1066  06 of 14 (3)13759897797  E
  6Toronto, ON05/22/1016  -4617 of 8 (5)6797221731  E
  7Club 3 Championship06/02/1035 1+2137 of 13 (2)12731912737  E
  8Toronto, ON07/17/1056 1-2768 of 11 (3)8737718736  E
  9Stratford, ON08/21/1062  +3203 of 12 (5)67361146791  E
  10Toronto, ON Main Event09/25/1067  +14210 of 18 (4)10791707779  E
  11Cambridge, ON10/02/1043  +597 of 20 (4)11779897792  E
  12Toronto, ON10/24/1025  -29514 of 16 (3)14792602774  E
  13Kingston, ON10/30/10561 -29 of 12 (3)7774832784  E
  14Cambridge, ON03/26/1152  +583 of 10 (5)47841046811  E
  15Club 3 Championship06/01/1144 1+694 of 8 (3)3811719807  E
  16Mississauga, ON06/04/1143 1+145 of 13 (5)6807749801  E
  17Stratford, ON08/27/1144  +585 of 10 (4)6801832805  E
  18Toronto, ON Main Event09/23/1177  -256 of 12 (4)805789802  E
  19Kingston, ON11/26/1166  -1338 of 14 (3)9802983835  E
  20Guelph, ON12/11/1124  -725 of 6 (3)2835472803  E
  21Guelph, ON03/11/1206  -3786 of 6 (4)680371762  E
  22Cambridge, ON03/24/1234  +3511 of 20 (4)14762686754  E
  23Club 3 Championship05/30/1272  +5991 of 14 (3)77541175771 $50E
  24Mississauga, ON06/16/1252 1+3223 of 9 (5)1771920786 $50E
  25Stratford, ON08/25/1253  +1035 of 12 (5)5786944805  E
  26Toronto, ON Main Event09/22/1266 1+4068 of 19 (3)13805836811  E
  27Cambridge, ON10/06/1225  -19118 of 20 (3)16811631794  E
  28Greater Toronto, ON10/14/1225  -18911 of 12 (3)10794631779  E
  29Kingston, ON11/24/1284  +5173 of 18 (3)97791018822 $10E
  30Brampton, ON02/02/1334  -1189 of 12 (4)1822493792  E
  31Cambridge, ON03/23/1352  +4343 of 18 (4)87921027816  E
  32Toronto, ON04/21/1333  -3354 of 6 (3)5816914825  E
  33Club 3 Championship06/05/1354  +4324 of 12 (3)3825794824  E
  3424th National Championship Main Eve...07/20/131714  +28727 of 95 (4)52824870851 $100E
  35Mississauga, ON Main Event07/27/1387  -286 of 10 (3)7851912864  E
  36Stratford, ON08/17/1353  +494 of 12 (4)3864897871  E
  37Guelph, ON09/22/1342  +194 of 8 (2)68711097889  E
  38Toronto, ON Main Event09/28/1385  +3545 of 24 (3)178891181945  E
  39Mississauga, ON10/27/1352  +1575 of 12 (3)59451052955  E
  40Kingston, ON11/23/135511+168 of 15 (3)4955838948  E
  41Mississauga, ON02/17/1434  -515 of 8 (5)6948874942  E
  42Cambridge, ON03/29/1461  +1153 of 15 (3)594215321010 $80E
  43Caledon Village, ON Main Event04/05/1434  +1826 of 12 (3)61010812990  E
  44Club 3 Championship06/04/1454  +1875 of 10 (2)89901164998  E
  45Brampton, ON06/07/1434  -2787 of 8 (3)6998953994  E
  4625th National Championship Main Eve...08/09/141417  -834123 of 164 (3)139994975985  E
  47Toronto, ON Main Event09/27/1467  +5075 of 8 (3)4985844958  E
  48Toronto, ON11/09/1434  +1138 of 12 (3)9958885952  E
  49Mississauga, ON02/16/1552  -1842 of 8 (4)79521299990  E
  50Niagara Falls, ON05/01/1559  -34631 of 36 (2)23990675928  E
  51Mississauga, ON Main Event07/18/1587  -2068 of 18 (2)169281147978  E
  52Stratford, ON08/29/1535  -2905 of 6 (3)5978947974  E
  53Toronto, ON10/24/1543  +2223 of 8 (2)3974920970  E
  54Mississauga, ON11/01/1543  +795 of 12 (2)99701132987  E
  55Caledon, ON01/30/1625  -3038 of 10 (2)10987815970  E
  56Mississauga, ON02/15/1643  -575 of 10 (4)3970914964  E
  57Club 3 Championship06/08/1654  -976 of 10 (2)99641248976  E
  58Mississauga, ON Main Event07/16/16510  -5559 of 10 (2)9976889957  E
  59Shan's Shawarma Warmup, ON08/15/1631  +4191 of 6 (3)49571377986  E
  60Toronto, ON Main Event09/24/16113  +6711 of 12 (3)598613081043  E
  61Toronto, ON10/08/1662  +3412 of 10 (2)2104312681066  E
  62Kingston, ON10/29/1666  +4015 of 10 (2)110668771031  E
  63Caledon, ON11/05/1634  +1105 of 8 (3)210318361012  E
  64Caledon, ON01/28/1716  -2497 of 8 (3)21012274948  E
  65Brampton, ON03/18/1725  -29611 of 12 (1)10948783932  E
  66Niagara Falls, ON05/20/171210  +30913 of 39 (2)23932988949 $250E
  67Toronto, ON06/07/1718  -3728 of 8 (2)7949359931  E
  68Mississauga, ON Main Event07/15/17510  -43811 of 14 (2)13931967938  E
  69Mississauga, ON08/26/1724 1+266 of 7 (4)4938710917  E
  70Toronto, ON Early Bird #110/20/1734  -47915 of 20 (1)199171266945  E
  71Toronto, ON Main Event10/21/1767 1+4189 of 13 (2)4945681898  E
  72Oshawa, ON11/11/17851 +2694 of 12 (3)5898874893  E
  73Mississauga, ON12/23/17241 -987 of 8 (2)7893842888  E
  74Caledon, ON01/27/1852  +4471 of 6 (3)18881009900  E
  75Kingston, ON Early Bird02/16/1853  -254 of 10 (1)99001457969  E
  76Kingston, ON Main Event02/17/18911  -24827 of 42 (1)319691005979  E
  77Toronto, ON03/04/1823  -1283 of 4 (4)4979920975  E
  78Niagara Falls, ON08/10/18911 1-4624 of 38 (2)23975920960  E
  79Stratford, ON09/08/1862  +1292 of 8 (5)39601272998  E
  80Brantford, ON05/04/1962  +5411 of 16 (4)199811871018  E
  81Stratford, ON09/14/1944  -2626 of 10 (4)410189941015  E
  82Kingston, ON Main Event02/15/20713  -20630 of 34 (1)34101511031038  E
  83Niagara Falls, ON (CSW)10/01/2268  -76025 of 32 (1)29103812691099  E
  84Kingston, ON Main Event (CSW)02/17/23617  -208224 of 24 (1)24109911741134  E
  85Niagara Falls, ON (CSW)05/20/23616  -115936 of 38 (1)3011349891093  E
  86Gananoque, ON (CSW)11/18/23311  -36618 of 20 (1)2010939761078  E
  87Belleville, ON (CSW) Early Bird03/01/2423  -2967 of 8 (2)8107811491083  E
  88Belleville, ON Main Event (CSW)03/01/24312  -72910 of 10 (2)1010838181038  E
  89Stratford, ON09/21/2453  +2943 of 8 (3)2103811551053  E
  90Lake George, NY Early Bird #210/18/2414  -2616 of 6 (8)410536281024  E
  91Lake George, NY Main Event10/18/24312  -85028 of 28 (4)161024569932  E
  92Gananoque, ON Main Event11/16/24113  +8182 of 14 (3)39321184975  E
  93Albany, NY Main Event12/29/241314 1+31914 of 25 (3)13975942957  E
Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
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