TWL rating

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Mabel Trapani
Mabel Trapani | NY (USA)
(Peak: 943)
Lifetime record
149-166-1 (0.473)
Career earnings: $150
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Ronkonkoma LI NY04/27/9625  -3278 of 10 (7)9648648  E
  2Plainview LI NY05/18/9652  +4223 of 10 (6)5648881741  E
  3Ronkonkoma LI NY08/03/9625  7 of 8 (7)5741 710  E
 4Plainview LI NY11/03/9652  +2603 of 10 (3)97101120889  E
 5Plainview LI NY04/12/97—no data—5 of 9 (6)3889 842  E
  6Plainview LI NY08/02/9725  -15110 of 12 (6)5842762820  E
 7Bluepoint LI NY09/13/97—no data—11 of 11 (2)10820 826  E
 8Plainview LI NY10/12/9763  +1323 of 10 (5)88261003913  E
 9Plainview LI NY11/15/9752  +674 of 10 (5)29131061943  E
  10Plainview LI NY12/13/97151 -3168 of 8 (5)8943779918  E
  11Plainview LI NY02/07/9816  -58910 of 10 (5)4918684878  E
  12Plainview LI NY04/25/9827  -22011 of 12 (5)5878629822  E
  13Plainview LI NY05/23/9852  +2704 of 10 (7)4822896838  E
  14Plainview LI NY06/20/9827  -7139 of 10 (5)6838724815  E
  15Plainview LI NY08/01/9834  -67 of 12 (8)6815796811  E
  16Brookhaven LI NY09/12/9833  +1567 of 16 (2)12811971834  E
  17Plainview LI NY10/10/9845  -1448 of 12 (4)6834820831  E
  18Plainview LI NY11/14/9843  +1633 of 8 (6)4831882841  E
  19Plainview LI NY12/12/9834  -828 of 10 (4)5841898847  E
  20Plainview LI NY01/09/9934  -717 of 10 (5)847906857  E
  21Plainview LI NY02/06/9925  -4066 of 6 (4)4857733833  E
  22Plainview LI NY05/08/9943  -956 of 10 (6)6833870842  E
  23Brookhaven LI NY09/11/9924  -24612 of 14 (2)10842897850  E
  24Plainview LI NY11/06/9943  +1185 of 10 (5)2850742837  E
  25Plainview LI NY12/11/9943  +1484 of 10 (6)3837839838  E
  26Plainview LI NY01/08/0043  +1214 of 8 (5)3838824839  E
  27Plainview LI NY02/12/0061  +3612 of 10 (5)48391074881 $30E
  28Plainview LI NY04/08/0054  +4044 of 10 (4)5881843875  E
  29Plainview LI NY05/20/0043  +1254 of 12 (4)2875846872  E
  30Plainview LI NY07/08/0025  -3047 of 8 (4)7872760852  E
  31Plainview LI NY07/29/0034  +164 of 10 (5)3852720828  E
  32Brookhaven LI NY09/16/0032  +1996 of 16 (2)5828817829  E
  33Plainview LI NY11/04/0033  +137 of 9 (4)3829804825  E
  34Plainview LI NY12/02/0061  +2272 of 12 (5)68251101884 $30E
  35Plainview LI NY02/10/0125  -3967 of 8 (4)5884760862  E
  36Plainview LI NY04/28/0134  +1415 of 8 (4)1862719836  E
  37Plainview LI NY06/02/0170  +7491 of 10 (3)18361327870 $60E
  38Plainview LI NY07/07/0124  -1789 of 11 (3)6870824863  E
  39Plainview LI NY12/01/0152  +502 of 10 (5)5863972883 $30E
  40Plainview LI NY02/09/0216  -2858 of 10 (5)1883402806  E
  41Brookhaven LI NY09/21/0242  +2774 of 12 (2)7806868818  E
 42Plainview LI NY02/08/0352  +1155 of 10 (3)   E
  43Plainview LI NY03/01/0343  +1474 of 10 (4)4818779812  E
  44Plainview LI NY04/05/0325  -5538 of 10 (3)7822770811  E
  45Bayside NY11/08/0315  -1344 of 5 (3)2811603777  E
  46Bluepoint LI NY10/09/0433  -2547 of 12 (2)6777848781  E
  47Bayside NY04/09/0507  -53811 of 12 (4)6781161726  E
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