TWL rating

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Sharon Crawford-Mackay
Sharon Crawford-Mackay | Komoka, ON (CAN)
(Peak: 1006)
Lifetime record
215-240-3 (0.473)
Career earnings: $540
Avg. score
renew NASPA membership
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Brantford ON11/06/9307  -58648 of 50 (4)33 500  E
  2Brantford ON11/04/9525  -34654 of 60 (4)45500684533  E
  3Cambridge ON10/04/9725  +298 of 10 (6)7533432505  E
  4Brantford ON11/01/9734  -11916 of 22 (5)15505702549  E
  5Brantford ON11/14/9843  -41113 of 24 (5)11549753617  E
  6Cambridge ON10/02/9943  +935 of 12 (5)6749749  E
  7Brantford ON11/13/9925  -27518 of 22 (5)9647507608  E
  8Cambridge ON03/25/0034  -21410 of 16 (4)15623715641  E
  9Cambridge ON10/07/0043  +919 of 14 (5)2641660647  E
  10Stratford ON10/14/0034  -1388 of 10 (3)8647672650  E
  11Brantford ON11/11/0043  +2795 of 16 (5)6650694662  E
  12Mexican Cruise12/08/00184  +17561 of 12 (3)4662903782 $300E
  13Cambridge ON03/31/0116  -51018 of 18 (4)18782577752  E
  14Toronto West ON04/21/0147  -49317 of 21 (4)13752653732  E
  15Stratford ON09/08/01421 +1264 of 10 (4)8732953784  E
  16Toronto ON Main Event09/29/0138  -28225 of 28 (4)18784647749  E
  17Cambridge ON10/06/0152  +1883 of 16 (4)157491038822 $27E
  18Brantford ON11/03/01061 -23718 of 18 (4)15822463773  E
  19Port Huron MI11/17/0165  +1207 of 12 (4)11773886808  E
  20Oshawa ON01/12/0266  +2014 of 24 (4)12808778800  E
  21Toronto West ON03/23/0257  +10916 of 22 (4)12800852813  E
  22Cambridge ON04/27/0225  -31815 of 18 (4)15813758806  E
  23Stratford ON09/14/0225  -829 of 10 (3)8806754797  E
  24Toronto ON Main Event09/28/0275  +2049 of 28 (4)17797960849  E
  25Cambridge ON10/05/0243  +958 of 18 (4)9849931865  E
  26Brantford ON11/02/0252  +1835 of 24 (4)148651070908 $27E
  27Cambridge ON08/09/03111  -70016 of 16 (4)7908479797  E
  28Stratford ON09/06/0352  +3213 of 10 (3)107971082869 $31E
  29Cambridge ON10/04/0343  -878 of 18 (4)9869952885  E
  30Brantford ON11/01/0325  -2117 of 22 (4)10885736859  E
  31Michigan Madness06/26/0477  -2323 of 43 (3)29859899876  E
  32Stratford ON09/11/0443  +416 of 12 (4)9876966894  E
  33Brantford ON11/06/0461  +1912 of 18 (4)108941202962 $65E
  34Stratford ON09/10/0525  -2947 of 8 (5)7962828939  E
  35Toronto ON Main Event09/24/0584  +11710 of 52 (4)159391048976  E
  36Cambridge ON12/17/05511 +1552 of 16 (4)397611371006 $54E
  37Cambridge ON04/08/0616  -30215 of 16 (4)51006662948  E
  38Stratford ON09/23/0643  +4024 of 8 (4)1948926944  E
  39Cambridge ON10/14/0652  +3123 of 16 (4)944940945 $36E
  40Brantford ON11/04/0643  -7610 of 20 (4)11945982952  E
  41Cambridge ON03/31/0716  -30416 of 16 (4)9952638900  E
  42Brantford ON11/03/0734  -21411 of 14 (4)8900860892  E
  43Cambridge ON04/12/0816  -31816 of 16 (3)13892682859  E
  44Stratford ON08/23/0835  -2136 of 8 (6)2859707830  E
  45Brantford ON11/01/0834  -15910 of 14 (4)13830840834  E
  46Brantford, ON11/07/0943  -2677 of 14 (4)11834994852  E
  47Stratford, ON08/21/1044  +2695 of 11 (4)7852889857  E
  48Cambridge, ON10/02/1043  -30510 of 20 (4)3857829854  E
  49Brantford, ON11/06/1034  -747 of 10 (4)7854786847  E
  50Cambridge, ON03/26/1125  -19814 of 16 (4)16847699832  E
  51Brantford, ON11/05/1125  -2418 of 8 (4)8832649814  E
  52Stratford, ON08/29/1571  +2581 of 8 (4)38141384880  E
  53Stratford, ON09/10/1644  -986 of 8 (4)4880909884  E
  54Stratford, ON09/08/1853  +144 of 8 (5)78841094912  E
  55Brantford, ON05/04/1953  +857 of 16 (4)59121011924  E
  56Brantford, ON11/16/1935  -9810 of 12 (4)6924680895  E
Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
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