TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Victor Havens
Victor Havens | Oakland, CA (USA)
(Peak: 1596)
Lifetime record
309-338-2 (0.478)
Career earnings: $780
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
 1Club 40 Championship03/––/7954  7 of 9 (1)   E
 2Oakland CA Finals09/23/7931  3 (2) 1382 E
 3Club 40 Championship11/––/81159  1 (1)   E
 4Tier 2 (San Francisco CA)04/09/8346  -8118 of 25 (1) 1532  E
 5San Francisco CA02/––/84—no data—14 of 20 (1)101532 1569  E
 6San Francisco CA04/28/84—no data—20 of 25 (1)141569 1510  E
 7San Francisco CA02/15/8657  -32741 of 56 (2)121499 1452  E
 8Step 2 (San Francisco CA)03/28/87—no data—13 of 16 (1)151452 1475  E
  95th National Championship07/05/871110  -263160 of 327 (1)2071475 1526  E
  10San Francisco CA01/13/9084  +4434 of 32 (2)141526 1536  E
  11Reno NV06/30/90126  -7312 of 101 (2)211536 1569  E
  12San Francisco CA01/19/9184  +2396 of 34 (2)121569 1583  E
  13San Francisco CA01/11/9275  +11814 of 47 (2)14158316131596  E
  14San Jose CA02/22/9266  -6615 of 28 (2)2159613941542  E
  15Campbell CA05/23/9266  -18021 of 33 (2)8154212651484  E
  16Reno NV07/10/92810  +4075 of 123 (2)41148412801402  E
  179th National Championship08/09/921512  -14249 of 141 (2)61140213961406  E
  18San Jose CA10/10/9278  +3318 of 32 (2)14140613281379  E
  19San Francisco CA03/07/9342  +2772 of 6 (4)2137914631393 $26E
  20San Francisco CA05/02/9324  -2408 of 8 (2)71393 1390  E
  21San Francisco CA06/06/9315  7 of 8 (3)51390 1351  E
 22Oakland CA07/11/9324  -1895 of 6 (3)41351 1332  E
  23Oakland CA08/01/9342  +1243 of 8 (4)6133215001360 $15E
  24Oakland CA09/12/9342  -1422 of 6 (2)51360 1387 $26E
 25Oakland CA11/07/9324  -2777 of 8 (2)71387 1374  E
  26Oakland CA12/12/9333  -915 of 8 (2)11374 1336  E
  27Oakland CA02/06/9433  +713 of 7 (3)11336 1309 $15E
  28Oakland CA03/06/9414 1-2739 of 9 (3)7130911181285  E
 29Oakland CA05/01/9451  +1621 of 6 (3)21285 1307 $51E
  30Oakland CA09/11/9451  +1791 of 6 (3)5130716561381 $52E
  31Oakland CA12/11/9415  -2736 of 6 (3)61381 1353  E
  32Oakland CA05/07/9542  -803 of 8 (3)51353 1374 $15E
  33Reno NV Main Event07/05/951912  +5307 of 58 (3)61374 1370  E
  34Oakland CA08/13/9524  +186 of 8 (3)81370 1365  E
  35Oakland CA09/10/9542  +662 of 6 (3)101365 1409 $25E
  36Oakland CA04/21/9633  3 of 6 (3)51409 1420  E
  37Oakland CA06/09/9606  6 of 6 (2)41420   E
  38Oakland CA09/08/9624  4 of 6 (4)6 1329  E
 39Oakland CA12/15/9624  7 of 8 (2)81329 1345  E
  40Oakland CA05/04/9742  +22 of 6 (3)4134514831369 $30E
  41Oakland CA11/16/9742  +1892 of 6 (3)2136914391384 $30E
  42Oakland CA03/08/9806  -6926 of 6 (3)513847601337  E
  43Oakland CA04/19/9824  -1015 of 6 (4)5133712741327  E
  44Oakland CA05/17/9842  +2865 of 21 (2)1132711031303  E
  45Los Gatos CA B12/06/98321 -452 of 6 (3)3130313721314  E
  46Oakland CA01/10/9924  -2386 of 6 (3)131413651321  E
  47Oakland CA03/14/9924  -2425 of 6 (3)5132112791315  E
  48Oakland CA04/18/9915  -4376 of 6 (2)4131510471277  E
  49Oakland CA07/25/9915  -6106 of 6 (2)6127711481260  E
  50Oakland CA09/26/9933  +2133 of 6 (3)1126011761248 $20E
  51Oakland CA11/14/9915  -5916 of 6 (2)6124811531234  E
  52Oakland CA12/19/9933  -1234 of 6 (2)6123413481252  E
  53Oakland CA01/23/0024  -2856 of 6 (2)4125211601237  E
  54Oakland CA04/02/0033  +1255 of 8 (2)7123713521255  E
  55Oakland CA05/07/0042  +933 of 6 (4)2125513611272 $20E
  56Oakland CA07/23/0042  +3764 of 8 (4)1127211311259 $20E
  57Oakland CA08/13/0033  -1664 of 6 (2)2125911151239  E
  58Oakland CA11/05/0033  -1656 of 8 (3)6123913361255  E
  59Oakland CA12/03/0042  +1152 of 6 (3)5125515201308 $30E
  60Oakland CA01/07/0115  -2288 of 8 (3)7130811461286  E
  61Oakland CA03/04/0124  +64 of 6 (3)3128611051257  E
  62Oakland CA04/08/0142  +1692 of 8 (3)7125714201285 $35E
  63Oakland CA05/06/0133  +45 of 8 (2)7128513851301  E
  64Oakland CA08/12/0133  +1333 of 8 (4)3130111941285 $30E
  65Oakland CA10/07/0133  -1265 of 8 (3)7128513301294  E
  66Oakland CA12/02/0142  -422 of 6 (3)3129413901310 $30E
  67Oakland CA01/06/0251  +2461 of 8 (3)1131014141323 $55E
  68Oakland CA04/07/0242  -1592 of 6 (3)3132314071339 $30E
  69Oakland CA07/14/0224  -5056 of 6 (3)4133912891331  E
  70Oakland CA08/11/0215  -2187 of 8 (4)4133110001282  E
  71Oakland CA11/10/0206  -3316 of 6 (3)412826261230  E
  72Oakland CA12/01/0233  -455 of 8 (4)1123011311215  E
  73Oakland CA02/02/0315  -3336 of 6 (3)412159681181  E
 74Oakland CA03/02/0333  +1824 of 8 (4)   E
  75Oakland CA04/06/0333  -1883 of 6 (4)1118111481176 $20E
  76Oakland CA05/04/0306  -6388 of 8 (4)511764771117  E
  77Oakland CA08/10/0324  -1244 of 6 (4)6111710521108  E
  78Oakland CA09/07/0342  +2423 of 8 (3)8110813691162 $30E
  79Oakland CA10/05/0324  +326 of 8 (3)5116210581145  E
  80Oakland CA11/02/0351  +3291 of 8 (4)1114513431172 $55E
  81Oakland CA12/07/03231 -2495 of 6 (4)3117210621154  E
  82Oakland CA03/07/0424  -3415 of 6 (3)6115411901159  E
  83Oakland CA04/04/0424  -1186 of 6 (4)5115910971149  E
  84Oakland CA05/02/0433  +1784 of 8 (4)6114912301164 $20E
  85Oakland CA07/18/0433  -95 of 8 (2)8116413891199  E
  86Oakland CA08/15/0415  -5516 of 6 (4)311999251159  E
  87Oakland CA09/12/0424  -3068 of 8 (4)3115910171136  E
  88Oakland CA10/10/0442  +932 of 6 (4)1113611441140 $30E
  89Oakland CA11/07/0433  +23 of 6 (4)3114011051134 $20E
  90Oakland CA01/23/0533  +2712 of 6 (4)3114511101139 $30E
  91Oakland CA03/06/0542  +1303 of 6 (4)4113912911165 $20E
  92Oakland CA04/17/0524  -664 of 6 (4)4116510641149  E
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