TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Lula McCampbell
Lula McCampbell | Lansing, MI (USA) (Deceased)
(Peak: 824)
Lifetime record
121-234-1 (0.341)
Career earnings: $25
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
 1Saginaw MI09/15/84—no data—11 of 12 (4)3 623  E
 2Saginaw MI09/21/8537  13 of 14 (4)6623 637  E
 3Detroit MI11/09/85—no data—21 of 21 (3)21637 633  E
  4Lansing MI12/07/8524 116 of 20 (4)10633 644  E
 5Lansing MI04/26/8624 1-1820 of 28 (4)644   E
 6Port Huron MI06/21/86—no data—11 of 12 (5)11655   E
 7Saginaw MI09/20/8646  9 of 12 (8)622 648  E
 8Lansing MI12/06/8624 1-8115 of 20 (4)8648   E
 9Step 2 (Saginaw MI)03/28/8728  73 of 77 (1)37 644  E
  10Lansing MI04/25/8742 1-1109 of 30 (5)10644 692  E
 11Grand Haven MI07/25/87—no data—30 of 30 (3)28692 717  E
  12Toronto ON09/12/8737  -40812 of 14 (3)10717 738  E
 13Lansing MI12/12/8722 3+579 of 16 (6)6738 739  E
 14Lansing MI02/20/8842 1-465 of 15 (6)739 777  E
  15Marion IN 3-IN-105/21/88—no data—63 of 64 (1)64760 759  E
 16Lansing MI09/17/8834  -2397 of 8 (10)759 757  E
 17Lansing MI12/03/8834  -106 of 8 (9)7710 723  E
  18Gatlinburg TN03/31/89410 3-22614 of 17 (7)4723 723  E
 19Lansing MI04/22/8961  +3571 of 8 (9)3723 762 $25E
 20Grand Canyon AZ11/03/8946 4-30833 of 42 (3)35766 790  E
  21Lansing MI12/02/8934  4 of 6 (7)6790 794  E
  22Lansing MI02/03/9043  +1324 of 8 (4)5794 824  E
  23Lansing MI03/31/9016  -2607 of 8 (7)5824 779  E
  24Livonia MI09/22/9037  -62322 of 24 (2)18779   E
  25Marion IN10/27/9019  -102852 of 52 (1)44   E
  26Lansing MI12/01/9034  -646 of 8 (7)7 785  E
  27Gatlinburg TN03/23/91414  -83420 of 22 (6)17785   E
  28Grand Haven MI04/13/9128  -44113 of 14 (3)4 755  E
  29Masters Championship08/03/91—no data—11 of 22 (3)17755   E
  30Lansing MI10/12/9125  8 of 8 (7)8755 755  E
 31Livonia MI10/26/91—no data—7 of 10 (3)6755 740  E
  32Lansing MI12/14/9103 4-16612 of 12 (7)3740128708  E
  33Lansing MI02/08/9231 3+1146 of 11 (7)3708833720  E
  34Lansing MI04/04/9207  -8728 of 8 (6)8720270673  E
  35Port Huron MI05/30/9267  -14414 of 16 (4)14673867733  E
  36Grand Rapids MI07/24/9237  -37712 of 15 (3)733707719  E
  37Lansing MI12/05/9234  -646 of 10 (7)3719711718  E
  38Ann Arbor MI02/27/9343  +1954 of 10 (6)3718749724  E
  39Lansing MI03/27/9316  -19410 of 10 (7)7724549696  E
  40Alaskan Cruise05/18/93510  -57813 of 16 (1)11696793697  E
  41Port Huron MI08/28/93211  -7078 of 8 (5)7697584664  E
  42Lansing MI10/09/9343  -656 of 10 (7)2664600658  E
  43Livonia MI04/23/94551 -28513 of 22 (3)21658956749  E
  44Lansing MI10/08/9425  -1587 of 10 (5)2749553713  E
  45Kalamazoo MI04/01/9547 1-9558 of 10 (3)8713757722  E
  46Flint MI04/29/9525  -2715 of 8 (7)4722688713  E
  47Lansing MI05/13/9534  -246 of 8 (7)4713 699  E
  48Livonia MI06/03/9529  -53714 of 14 (3)14699567664  E
  49Lansing MI05/09/9816  -9438 of 9 (3)8664599651  E
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