TWL rating

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Helene Browe
Helene Browe | NY (USA)
(Peak: 1598)
Lifetime record
254-225-6 (0.530)
Career earnings: $655
Avg. score
Career Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  1Smithtown LI NY12/03/9461  +4571 of 8 (8)610051005  E
  2Atlantic City NJ01/20/95831 +3655 of 56 (4)3100511761107 $50E
  3Plainview LI NY05/20/9543  +974 of 10 (5)10110712541157  E
  4Ronkonkoma LI NY06/24/9543  -154 of 10 (5)6115712491186  E
  5New York NY (BBC)10/21/9533  22 of 48 (2)34118611831188214 E
  6Plainview LI NY11/04/95511 +5531 of 8 (5)7118814841313 $55E
  7Atlantic City NJ01/19/9693  +5103 of 47 (3)3131314181385 $100E
  8Port Jefferson LI NY03/09/9666  -568 of 16 (3)6138513311371  E
  9Plainview LI NY05/18/9652  +1152 of 8 (3)6137115511405 $30E
  10Plainview LI NY Late Bird06/09/9645  -4299 of 12 (2)12140514811425  E
  11Plainview LI NY11/03/9670  +5641 of 10 (2)3142519361467 $60E
  12Plainview LI NY12/07/9634  +1774 of 8 (3)2146713651447  E
  13Atlantic City NJ01/24/9748  -35257 of 64 (2)32144712911398  E
 14Plainview LI NY04/12/97—no data—6 of 9 (4)21398 1350  E
  15Holtsville LI NY05/17/9742 1+1663 of 7 (3)2135013581354  E
 16Plainview LI NY06/14/9763  +8242 of 12 (3)41354 1360 $30E
  17New York NY (BBC)08/24/9733  14 of 28 (2)24136014621377213 E
  18New York NY (BBC)12/07/9733  11 of 24 (2)16137714771393212 E
  19Plainview LI NY12/13/9752  -712 of 8 (3)6139315811428 $30E
  20Atlantic City NJ01/23/9857  -15952 of 72 (2)49142814051421  E
  21Plainview LI NY11/14/9825  -306 of 8 (3)5142112671393  E
  22Atlantic City NJ01/22/9965  -9034 of 64 (2)139315261432  E
  23Plainview LI NY04/17/9954  -1295 of 10 (2)9143215951471  E
  24Plainview LI NY08/07/9970  +5661 of 10 (4)1147121161556 $60E
  25Plainview LI NY09/12/9943  +2953 of 10 (2)1155615191549  E
  26Plainview LI NY11/06/9916  -4218 of 8 (2)5154912771506  E
  27Plainview LI NY01/08/0043  +3182 of 8 (2)7150616291530 $30E
  28Atlantic City NJ01/21/0066  +21126 of 60 (2)24153014541507  E
  29Plainview LI NY05/20/0034  +165 of 10 (2)1150713511479  E
  30Plainview LI NY11/04/0025  -4277 of 8 (1)8147915401485  E
  31Plainview LI NY12/02/0043  -213 of 8 (2)8148516461516  E
  32Plainview LI NY01/06/0151  +3162 of 7 (2)4151617541554 $30E
  33Plainview LI NY02/10/0134  +934 of 8 (2)5155414871543  E
  34Plainview LI NY04/28/0143  +2893 of 8 (2)2154314481529  E
  35Plainview LI NY05/19/01171 -57910 of 10 (1)10152914001503  E
  36Plainview LI NY07/07/0143  -115 of 8 (1)7150317311550  E
  37Plainview LI NY09/08/01331 +515 of 10 (2)3155014651535  E
  38Plainview LI NY11/03/0152  +1602 of 10 (2)2153516081548 $30E
  39Plainview LI NY01/05/0243  +154 of 8 (2)1154813761525  E
  40Atlantic City NJ01/25/0284  +2858 of 64 (2)18152516251558  E
  41Shelton CT03/08/02411  -27616 of 16 (2)9155813441473  E
  42Plainview LI NY04/07/0243  -1647 of 10 (2)3147314571471  E
  43Plainview LI NY05/11/02351 -23210 of 13 (2)7147113851449  E
  44Milford CT06/14/0278  -55016 of 22 (2)12144913801422  E
  45Plainview LI NY07/13/02331 -637 of 12 (2)6142214381425  E
  46Plainview LI NY09/14/0234  +1075 of 8 (2)5142513741415  E
  47Plainview LI NY11/09/0243  +1066 of 10 (2)6141514651425  E
  48Plainview LI NY12/07/0243  +3693 of 12 (2)5142514341430  E
  49Plainview LI NY01/11/0352  +1653 of 10 (2)6143016191468  E
  50Atlantic City NJ01/24/0356  +31841 of 67 (2)37143014981446  E
  51Plainview LI NY04/05/0334  +2607 of 8 (1)8148416291507  E
  52Stamford CT05/02/0359  -8533 of 38 (2)21150713901462  E
  53Atlantic City NJ01/23/0493  +3623 of 59 (2)31146217731598 $150E
  54Stamford CT04/30/0468  -3124 of 36 (2)9159814591546  E
  55Atlantic City NJ01/28/0547  +5943 of 54 (2)16154614091505  E
  56Albany NY Main Event06/30/071010  -1923 of 42 (2)9150514161463  E
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