TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Winnie Skalazub
Winnie Skalazub | Courtenay, BC (CAN)
(Peak: 944)
Lifetime record
238-305-1 (0.438)
Career earnings: $165
Avg. score
Miscellaneous Historical Information

Percentage of player's games for which the opponent is known: 97% (527 of 544)
Percentage of those games that have scores known to 0% (1 of 527)

Historical Ratings and Rankings
DateRatingRankingPercentile RankLexicon
2/2001 733 2114 14 TWL
4/2001 733 2055 14 TWL
5/2001 733 2082 14 TWL
6/2001 733 2076 14 TWL
12/2000 733 2022 13 TWL
11/2000 733 2036 13 TWL
10/2000 733 2044 13 TWL
3/2001 733 2094 14 TWL
1/2001 733 2029 14 TWL
7/2001 733 2028 16 TWL
4/2002 767 2099 16 TWL
10/2002 767 2211 18 TWL
9/2002 767 2257 17 TWL
8/2002 767 2209 17 TWL
7/2002 767 2211 17 TWL
6/2002 767 2189 17 TWL
5/2002 767 2136 17 TWL
5/2004 781 2296 20 TWL
6/2004 781 2305 20 TWL
7/2004 781 2318 21 TWL
8/2004 781 2299 21 TWL
4/2004 781 2305 20 TWL
9/2004 781 2339 20 TWL
10/2004 781 2320 20 TWL
11/2004 781 2328 20 TWL
12/2004 781 2358 21 TWL
1/2005 781 2368 21 TWL
2/2005 781 2353 22 TWL
3/2005 781 2378 22 TWL
11/2003 794 2285 21 TWL
12/2003 794 2291 21 TWL
1/2004 794 2271 21 TWL
2/2004 794 2291 21 TWL
3/2004 794 2238 20 TWL
2/2002 797 1952 18 TWL
3/2002 797 2023 18 TWL
11/2001 797 1958 19 TWL
12/2001 797 1980 19 TWL
1/2002 797 1980 19 TWL
11/2002 826 2112 23 TWL
12/2002 826 2112 23 TWL
1/2003 826 2126 23 TWL
8/2001 832 1884 22 TWL
9/2001 832 1843 22 TWL
10/2001 832 1878 22 TWL
10/2003 840 2126 26 TWL
8/2003 840 2135 25 TWL
7/2003 840 2127 25 TWL
6/2003 840 2135 25 TWL
5/2003 840 2152 25 TWL
4/2003 840 2148 25 TWL
3/2003 840 2131 25 TWL
2/2003 840 2105 25 TWL
9/2003 840 2081 25 TWL
9/2000 844 1847 21 TWL
2/1999 851 1803 16 TWL
3/1999 851 1859 17 TWL
4/1999 851 1884 16 TWL
5/1999 851 1836 23 TWL
6/1999 851 1791 22 TWL
7/1999 851 1791 22 TWL
8/1999 851 1804 22 TWL
9/1999 851 1775 22 TWL
10/1999 851 1788 22 TWL
11/1999 851 1788 22 TWL
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