TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Christopher Stjern
Christopher Stjern | Pleasanton, CA (USA)
(Peak: 1106)
Lifetime record
166-257-2 (0.393)
Career earnings: $0
Avg. score
renew NASPA membership
Miscellaneous Historical Information

Percentage of player's games for which the opponent is known: 100% (426 of 425)
Percentage of those games that have scores known to 100% (426 of 426)

Historical Ratings and Rankings
DateRatingRankingPercentile RankLexicon
10/2015 454 1334 2 TWL
11/2015 422 1321 1 TWL
12/2015 452 1303 1 TWL
1/2016 452 1305 1 TWL
2/2016 452 1309 2 TWL
3/2016 459 1289 2 TWL
4/2016 452 1251 1 TWL
5/2016 484 1233 2 TWL
6/2016 484 1247 2 TWL
7/2016 484 1245 2 TWL
8/2016 484 1241 2 TWL
9/2016 499 1218 2 TWL
10/2016 499 1210 2 TWL
11/2016 489 1214 2 TWL
12/2016 481 1205 2 TWL
1/2017 481 1193 2 TWL
2/2017 533 1150 4 TWL
3/2017 547 1141 5 TWL
4/2017 616 1125 7 TWL
5/2017 621 1135 7 TWL
6/2017 603 1131 7 TWL
7/2017 611 1116 7 TWL
8/2017 611 1139 7 TWL
9/2017 625 1092 8 TWL
10/2017 670 1059 10 TWL
11/2017 671 1069 10 TWL
12/2017 743 1032 13 TWL
1/2018 831 978 18 TWL
2/2018 826 969 18 TWL
3/2018 837 976 18 TWL
4/2018 830 968 17 TWL
5/2018 855 951 19 TWL
6/2018 853 942 19 TWL
7/2018 856 964 18 TWL
8/2018 931 845 25 TWL
9/2018 945 877 26 TWL
10/2018 946 883 26 TWL
11/2018 943 887 26 TWL
12/2018 924 911 24 TWL
1/2019 1036 791 34 TWL
2/2019 1014 814 32 TWL
3/2019 1017 806 31 TWL
4/2019 992 836 30 TWL
5/2019 1058 775 35 TWL
6/2019 1041 782 35 TWL
7/2019 1071 728 38 TWL
8/2019 1063 753 37 TWL
9/2019 1043 753 35 TWL
10/2019 1057 735 36 TWL
11/2019 1068 724 37 TWL
12/2019 1071 716 37 TWL
1/2020 1071 717 38 TWL
2/2020 1106 676 41 TWL
3/2020 1092 702 40 TWL
4/2020 1095 687 39 TWL
5/2020 1095 636 36 TWL
6/2020 1095 636 36 TWL
7/2020 1095 605 35 TWL
8/2020 1095 546 35 TWL
9/2020 1095 546 35 TWL
10/2020 1095 546 35 TWL
11/2020 1095 546 35 TWL
12/2020 1095 546 35 TWL
1/2021 1095 274 25 TWL
2/2021 1095 184 26 TWL
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