TWL rating
Robert Desimone Jr
Robert Desimone Jr | Norwalk, CT (USA)
(New peak)
Lifetime record
175-117-2 (0.599)
Career earnings: $1,370
Avg. score
Miscellaneous Historical Information

Percentage of player's games for which the opponent is known: 100% (294 of 294)
Percentage of those games that have scores known to 100% (294 of 294)

Historical Ratings and Rankings
DateRatingRankingPercentile RankLexicon
10/2013 817 1411 18 TWL
3/2014 908 1288 25 TWL
4/2014 908 1274 25 TWL
5/2014 908 1229 24 TWL
6/2014 908 1260 24 TWL
7/2014 908 1229 24 TWL
8/2014 908 1144 25 TWL
9/2014 908 1154 25 TWL
10/2014 908 1163 25 TWL
11/2014 908 1170 25 TWL
12/2014 1159 820 47 TWL
1/2015 1159 818 47 TWL
2/2015 1159 817 47 TWL
3/2015 1159 819 47 TWL
4/2015 1150 818 46 TWL
5/2015 1150 814 46 TWL
6/2015 1150 780 46 TWL
7/2015 1150 775 46 TWL
8/2015 1150 764 46 TWL
9/2015 1144 753 45 TWL
10/2015 1144 746 45 TWL
11/2015 1144 738 44 TWL
12/2015 1148 731 44 TWL
1/2016 1148 733 44 TWL
2/2016 1148 726 45 TWL
3/2016 1148 719 45 TWL
4/2016 1148 698 45 TWL
5/2016 1148 693 45 TWL
6/2016 1148 701 45 TWL
7/2016 1148 699 45 TWL
8/2016 1148 701 44 TWL
11/2016 1216 602 51 TWL
4/2022 1287 134 49 TWL
5/2022 1287 147 50 TWL
6/2022 1287 163 51 TWL
7/2022 1312 170 52 TWL
8/2022 1312 212 54 TWL
9/2022 1312 215 54 TWL
10/2022 1312 223 54 TWL
11/2022 1312 237 54 TWL
1/2023 1310 255 53 TWL
2/2023 1310 257 52 TWL
3/2023 1386 214 61 TWL
4/2023 1405 213 62 TWL
5/2023 1405 215 64 TWL
6/2023 1405 212 65 TWL
7/2023 1415 214 65 TWL
8/2023 1415 217 65 TWL
9/2023 1415 225 65 TWL
10/2023 1415 231 64 TWL
11/2023 1487 190 71 TWL
12/2023 1487 189 72 TWL
1/2024 1487 200 71 TWL
2/2024 1487 201 71 TWL
3/2024 1487 201 71 TWL
4/2024 1552 169 76 TWL
5/2024 1552 168 76 TWL
6/2024 1552 170 76 TWL
7/2024 1534 185 75 TWL
8/2024 1534 177 75 TWL
9/2024 1512 181 74 TWL
10/2024 1590 145 79 TWL
11/2024 1623 129 82 TWL
12/2024 1623 130 81 TWL
1/2025 1652 123 82 TWL
2/2025 1673 110 84 TWL
3/2025 1703 99 86 TWL
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