TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Hilory O'Neal
Hilory O'Neal | Brick, NJ (USA)
(Peak: 991)
Lifetime record
122-126-1 (0.492)
Career earnings: $0
Avg. score
Miscellaneous Historical Information

Percentage of player's games for which the opponent is known: 100% (249 of 249)
Percentage of those games that have scores known to 0% (1 of 249)

Historical Ratings and Rankings
DateRatingRankingPercentile RankLexicon
10/2002 991 1674 38 TWL
11/2002 991 1695 38 TWL
12/2002 991 1692 38 TWL
1/2003 807 2185 21 TWL
2/2003 815 2189 22 TWL
3/2003 815 2215 22 TWL
4/2003 815 2228 22 TWL
5/2003 811 2233 22 TWL
6/2003 811 2217 22 TWL
7/2003 826 2163 23 TWL
8/2003 826 2170 23 TWL
9/2003 855 2037 27 TWL
10/2003 855 2083 27 TWL
11/2003 943 1856 36 TWL
12/2003 943 1867 36 TWL
1/2004 943 1841 36 TWL
2/2004 943 1843 36 TWL
3/2004 943 1790 36 TWL
4/2004 943 1824 36 TWL
5/2004 943 1825 36 TWL
6/2004 922 1877 35 TWL
7/2004 922 1884 35 TWL
8/2004 922 1879 35 TWL
9/2004 922 1930 34 TWL
10/2004 879 2034 30 TWL
11/2004 876 2045 30 TWL
12/2004 876 2071 30 TWL
1/2005 876 2075 31 TWL
2/2005 876 2074 31 TWL
3/2005 876 2088 32 TWL
4/2005 876 2060 32 TWL
5/2005 883 2037 32 TWL
6/2005 844 2196 28 TWL
7/2005 844 2193 28 TWL
8/2005 844 2190 29 TWL
9/2005 844 2152 29 TWL
10/2005 844 2147 29 TWL
11/2005 844 2149 27 TWL
12/2005 844 2125 28 TWL
1/2006 844 2125 28 TWL
2/2006 851 2115 29 TWL
3/2006 851 2057 29 TWL
4/2006 851 2058 28 TWL
5/2006 816 2152 25 TWL
6/2006 816 2165 25 TWL
7/2006 816 2171 25 TWL
8/2006 793 2222 22 TWL
9/2006 793 2181 22 TWL
10/2006 793 2180 23 TWL
11/2006 793 2137 23 TWL
12/2006 793 2155 23 TWL
1/2007 793 2159 23 TWL
2/2007 793 2178 23 TWL
3/2007 793 2157 23 TWL
4/2007 793 2192 7 TWL
5/2007 793 2202 22 TWL
6/2007 793 1960 13 TWL
7/2007 793 1944 12 TWL
8/2007 793 1948 12 TWL
9/2007 793 1903 12 TWL
10/2007 793 1899 12 TWL
11/2007 793 1894 12 TWL
12/2007 793 1907 13 TWL
1/2008 793 1902 13 TWL
2/2008 793 1905 13 TWL
3/2008 793 1904 12 TWL
4/2008 793 1909 12 TWL
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