TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Helen Kirchner
Helen Kirchner
(New peak)
Lifetime record
2-4-0 (0.333)
Career earnings: $0
Avg. score
Miscellaneous Historical Information

Percentage of player's games for which the opponent is known: 100% (6 of 6)
Percentage of those games that have scores known to 100% (6 of 6)

Historical Ratings and Rankings
DateRatingRankingPercentile RankLexicon
6/2006 558 2710 6 TWL
7/2006 558 2712 6 TWL
8/2006 558 2692 6 TWL
9/2006 558 2647 6 TWL
10/2006 558 2655 6 TWL
11/2006 558 2600 7 TWL
12/2006 558 2623 7 TWL
1/2007 558 2626 7 TWL
2/2007 558 2635 6 TWL
3/2007 558 2614 6 TWL
4/2007 558 2660 0 TWL
5/2007 558 2663 6 TWL
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Current time: 2025-03-06 01:42:50 Server IP: