TWL rating

No TWL results are available.
Arthur Milne
Arthur Milne | Calgary, AB (CAN)
(Peak: 1047)
Lifetime record
53-73-0 (0.421)
Career earnings: $0
Avg. score
Miscellaneous Historical Information

Percentage of player's games for which the opponent is known: 100% (126 of 126)
Percentage of those games that have scores known to 10% (13 of 126)

Historical Ratings and Rankings
DateRatingRankingPercentile RankLexicon
3/2003 1047 1563 45 TWL
4/2003 1047 1571 45 TWL
5/2003 1047 1572 45 TWL
6/2003 1047 1575 44 TWL
7/2003 1047 1571 44 TWL
8/2003 1047 1574 44 TWL
9/2003 999 1654 40 TWL
10/2003 999 1690 41 TWL
11/2003 999 1702 41 TWL
12/2003 920 1938 33 TWL
1/2004 943 1841 36 TWL
2/2004 943 1843 36 TWL
3/2004 943 1790 36 TWL
4/2004 969 1749 39 TWL
5/2004 955 1790 37 TWL
6/2004 955 1781 38 TWL
7/2004 955 1797 38 TWL
8/2004 1034 1559 46 TWL
9/2004 1014 1660 43 TWL
10/2004 1014 1647 43 TWL
11/2004 959 1800 38 TWL
12/2004 950 1846 38 TWL
1/2005 950 1843 39 TWL
2/2005 950 1840 39 TWL
3/2005 950 1842 40 TWL
4/2005 950 1812 40 TWL
5/2005 950 1822 39 TWL
6/2005 950 1845 39 TWL
7/2005 878 2077 32 TWL
8/2005 878 2078 32 TWL
9/2005 878 2035 32 TWL
10/2005 878 2035 33 TWL
11/2005 878 2034 31 TWL
12/2005 878 2013 32 TWL
1/2006 878 2009 32 TWL
2/2006 878 2024 32 TWL
3/2006 878 1976 32 TWL
4/2006 846 2072 28 TWL
5/2006 846 2068 28 TWL
6/2006 846 2070 28 TWL
7/2006 818 2162 25 TWL
8/2006 818 2148 25 TWL
9/2006 818 2108 25 TWL
10/2006 818 2111 25 TWL
11/2006 818 2070 25 TWL
12/2006 818 2084 26 TWL
1/2007 818 2089 26 TWL
2/2007 818 2111 25 TWL
3/2007 818 2093 25 TWL
4/2007 818 2122 10 TWL
5/2007 818 2127 25 TWL
6/2007 818 1917 15 TWL
7/2007 818 1905 14 TWL
8/2007 818 1909 14 TWL
9/2007 818 1868 14 TWL
10/2007 818 1865 14 TWL
11/2007 818 1859 14 TWL
12/2007 818 1871 14 TWL
1/2008 818 1865 14 TWL
2/2008 818 1866 14 TWL
3/2008 818 1863 14 TWL
4/2008 818 1870 14 TWL
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