Entrants for Princeton, NJ
November 2, 2024

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Entrants list last modified: September 23, 2024 04:40:44 PM (Eastern time)
Number of registered players: 22 (1 confirmed and 21 tentative)

Number of games: 7

Note: This entrants list is using current ratings.

 When Change Player
3 days ago Added Edwin Roth
1 week ago Added Jane Clark
1 week ago Removed Marian Calabro
2 weeks ago Added Linda Oliva
2 weeks ago Added David Engelhardt
2 weeks ago Added Jay Levin
2 weeks ago Added Brendan McClanahan
2 weeks ago Added Ejike Osondu
2 weeks ago Added Jack Lechner
2 weeks ago Added Jan Lapierre
2 weeks ago Added Connie Creed
2 weeks ago Added Ross Yellin
2 weeks ago Added Camille Sailer
2 weeks ago Added Gregory Nolan
2 weeks ago Added Brooke Mosesman
2 weeks ago Added Moses Kitakule Jr
2 weeks ago Added Marilyn Hunte
2 weeks ago Added David Firstman
2 weeks ago Added Glenn Filzer
2 weeks ago Added Judy Cole
2 weeks ago Added Harry Chan
2 weeks ago Added Marian Calabro
2 weeks ago Added Chidi Bosah
2 weeks ago Added Mark Abadi

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Current time: 2024-09-27 04:26:23 Server IP: