Entrants for Toronto, ON CSW Lexicon
October 6, 2024

Related entrants lists:

Entrants list last modified: August 29, 2024 12:26:15 PM (Eastern time)
Number of registered players: 15 (14 confirmed and 1 tentative)

Number of games: 6

Note: This entrants list is using current ratings.

Director's notes:
We've received a $1000 donation to support this pub tourney! The funds will be used to offer some free entries to the Niagara Falls International Open in May 2025 and to bolster the prize pool and other fun initiatives.

Entry is limited to the first 24 PAID registrations.

 When Change Player
2 days ago Added Josh Sokol
2 days ago Marked 'confirmed' David Stokoe
2 days ago Added David Stokoe
3 days ago Added Shan Abbasi
3 days ago Marked 'confirmed' Kaveri Raviraj
3 days ago Marked 'confirmed' Yvonne Lobo
3 days ago Added Eric Peters
1 week ago Marked 'confirmed' Prashanth Seetharam
1 week ago Added Prashanth Seetharam
1 week ago Added Shauna Petrie
1 week ago Marked 'confirmed' Tony Leah
1 week ago Marked 'confirmed' Allan Ravikovich
1 week ago Added Allan Ravikovich
1 week ago Added Alex Ravikovich
1 week ago Added Tony Leah
1 week ago Added Yvonne Lobo
1 week ago Added Kaveri Raviraj
1 week ago Marked 'confirmed' Jason Hazzard
1 week ago Marked 'confirmed' Roger Cullman
1 week ago Marked 'confirmed' Sue Tremblay
1 week ago Marked 'confirmed' Jason Broersma
1 week ago Added Jason Hazzard
1 week ago Added Roger Cullman
1 week ago Added Sue Tremblay
1 week ago Added Jason Broersma

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