Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nigel_Richards Nigel Richards
#player2 Chollapat_Itthi-aree Chollapat Itthi-aree
>Nigel_Richards: DIIMSUY H7 YU +10 10
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: AEHTVWY 6F HEAVY +36 36
>Nigel_Richards: BDIIMRS 9B MIDRIBS +73 83
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: ACDITTW D7 DI.ACT +22 58
>Nigel_Richards: EEEOOST 11D .OOEE +14 97
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: AANOTTW 5E TAW +22 80
>Nigel_Richards: ABELLST 4F BALLETS +84 181
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: AIKNORT L4 .KIATRON +63 143
>Nigel_Richards: EEFHLNZ 12D .HELF +33 214
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: AEIINOP K9 EPINAOI +78 221
>Nigel_Richards: ?EENNTZ 15H NET.ZENs +284 498
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: ?ADDIUX 8A XU +31 252
>Nigel_Richards: EIJNOSU D1 JOINS +47 545
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: ?ADDGIO 1A GAD.O +42 294
>Nigel_Richards: EGLOOUW M7 WOG +30 575
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: ?DEEIIR O8 EDIfIER. +74 368
>Nigel_Richards: EFLMORU 2B RO.MFUL +51 626
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: AQRRSTU J2 QU.R. +37 405
>Nigel_Richards: ACEEGNP N2 ENCAGE +32 658
>Chollapat_Itthi-aree: ARSTV 13A VATS +25 430
>Nigel_Richards: P C1 ..P +20 678
>Nigel_Richards: (R) +2 680
Player 2
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