Player 1 |
#player1 Donna Donna
#player2 Richard_Spence Richard Spence
>Donna: CEFMTYZ -CFMYZ +0 0
#note Idk what opponent had.
>Richard_Spence: AMNOPTU 8D PUNTO +20 20
#note Wow, first move I fail. PANTOUM.
>Donna: AETZ 9C ZETA +31 31
>Richard_Spence: AHLMNOS 10D NAH +36 56
#note HAM 10D is slightly better.
>Donna: EJW 7H JEW +23 54
>Richard_Spence: DELMOOS K3 DOOMS +30 86
#note I suck. DOL(E)SOME.
>Donna: IX L4 XI +38 92
>Richard_Spence: CEHILOR J2 COL +24 110
#note Probably should've done HIC.
>Donna: ANNPQRY - +0 92
#note Opponent exchanged 5.
>Richard_Spence: EEFHIRT E5 REF...TE +44 154
#note With HEFTIER unplayable, I slip away with a phony.
>Donna: BEER 9H BEER +19 111
>Richard_Spence: AAHIRUY D12 AYAH +32 186
#note AYAH 12D is best.
>Donna: EGILNST 14A STE.LING +72 183
#note Opponent missed LIG(H)TENS for 158. Phew.
>Richard_Spence: IKLORRU A12 RI.K +27 213
#note I was only 80-90% sure of RUSK. I didn't want to risk losing a challenge and trying to play with this dull rack.
>Donna: AN C12 NA. +19 202
>Richard_Spence: ?DLORSU 15F DUO +26 239
#note I realized after the game I missed SUDORaL. Wow. Three missed bingos in one game --> Richard sucks. I played DUO, second best play.
>Donna: QU 3H QU.. +15 217
#note Interesting, I usually don't like dumping QU for few points.
>Richard_Spence: ?EIILRS L9 SILkIER +71 310
#note Eh, any bingo works.
>Donna: FILO D2 FILO +16 233
>Richard_Spence: ABEEIRV C1 VIBE +33 343
#note Best play. Too bad there was no G for VERBIA(G)E.
>Donna: GU 1A GU. +21 254
>Richard_Spence: ACEEIRV 15K C.AVE +30 373
#note Best play (again).
>Donna: NW 13K W.N +12 266
#note Threatening to open a bingo lane on N7.
>Richard_Spence: DEEIORT F5 ED +17 390
#note (U)DO B1 27 was the best play. I thought about playing DE(V) N13 22, but the S hook was quite dangerous. I'd rather have the opponent bingo on column N and then I could possibly bingo out on column O.
>Donna: GR J9 .RG +6 272
>Richard_Spence: AEIOORT A1 .OO +4 394
#note Another fishing play. Quackle likes OI 4G 15.
>Donna: ?AMNSTY N7 AMNeSTY +71 343
#note TyMpANS might have been more defensive...
>Richard_Spence: ADEIPRT O4 PARTIED +107 501
#note Bang! "107, out."
>Richard_Spence: (AI) +4 505