Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Mike_Frentz Mike Frentz
>Noah: AAIOORS -AIOO +0 0
>Mike_Frentz: EJW 8G JEW +26 26
>Noah: ADDIRSU J4 DUADS +23 23
#note Weird rack. Unfortunately, I missed SIDDUR and URSID and WUD, which all seem better than this.
>Mike_Frentz: MOY K3 YOM +27 53
>Noah: FHHILOR I6 HO.F +27 50
>Mike_Frentz: BEEP L2 BEEP +36 89
>Noah: AEHILOR M1 HOAR +35 85
#note I could play OH, but AEILR seemed quite weak on this board.
>Mike_Frentz: EW 1M .EW +27 116
>Noah: CEEILRT 2L ..LE +21 106
>Mike_Frentz: EISV 10F VIES +29 145
>Noah: CEEIMRT H10 .METIC +33 139
>Mike_Frentz: ?CEISTU 15H .UTIClES +92 237
>Noah: ?EINRTT O8 cITTERN. +74 213
>Mike_Frentz: AIIX E10 IXIA +30 267
>Noah: IKLLNTU 12J UNLIK. +20 233
#note KNIT was unsatisfying to me.
>Mike_Frentz: NNRR -NNRR +0 267
>Noah: BFGLSTZ 12D F.Z +30 263
#note So what would you do here? You can play FIZ in the other spot, and keep a potential to play on column D, but I thought Mike would play there too much. This seemed to keep enough potential for scoring and bingoing with a case S and also one of the last Ts.
>Mike_Frentz: AANN 13J NAAN +18 285
>Noah: BGGLSTV -BGGLV +0 263
>Mike_Frentz: IQ N9 QI +28 313
>Noah: ADENOST 11D O. +14 277
>Mike_Frentz: EOR F12 .ERO +17 330
>Noah: AADENST 14N A. +8 285
>Mike_Frentz: ABIRR 15A BARRI. +27 357
>Noah: ADENSTT C5 ATTENDS +70 355
>Mike_Frentz: DLOOR D4 DROOL +23 380
>Noah: EGGOPUV B2 VUGG +22 377
>Mike_Frentz: AGLNY A5 AGLY +29 409
>Noah: EOP E2 OPE +8 385
>Noah: (N) +2 387
Player 2
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