Player 1 |
#player1 KC KC
#player2 Noah Noah
>KC: AMW H7 MAW +16 16
>Noah: BGILMUV I5 VUM +20 20
>Noah: BEEGILT N4 BEETLI.G +63 83
>KC: ILW 8L WI.L +33 119
>Noah: CDDHIOU 5I .OUCH.D +32 115
>KC: NOT 4H NOT +15 134
#note Hehe, KC's last two words form a rebuke!
>Noah: ?ADEIQT O2 QAI. +20 135
#note Actually missed QI. Oops. I think that this might not be so bad anyway, because it keeps lane that is harder to close than the one that QI leaves open.
>KC: AEN 9H .ANE +15 149
>Noah: ?DEFJTZ -DFJZ +0 135
#note I like this best of the exchanges. While DET? or DE? might normally be better, I think ET? is more conducive to the open lanes. Two other plays I didn't consider were DEJe(C)T and DJi(N), but I don't like them because the Z has limited potential on this board. Keeping the Z? might have some merit, though. I could maybe draw ZOON or ZEIN to the N, and maybe keep EZ? because of ZEIN or IZE. Tough call, but I am fairly satisfied with this play.
>KC: EIV H1 VEI. +21 170
>Noah: ?AEELST 2B LEgATE.S +68 203
#note Two plays I didn't consider are wA(V)ELETS and Lo(V)ESEAT. Although they score quite a bit less, they have some merit here, too, because they don't give back as many plays. Sort of an interesting idea, I think. Not sure how good they actually are, but they seem at least worth considering.
>KC: ?NOORST C1 O.STRONe +66 236
>Noah: AEEGKPR 8A GE.K +39 242
>Noah: AAEEPRX F9 AXE +57 299
>KC: FHITT 5A TH.IFT +24 293
>Noah: AADEIPR J3 A..P +22 321
>KC: BFLY 13C FL.BY +40 333
>Noah: ADEEIOR 4A IO.A +22 343
#note Wanted to keep a balanced rack and not turn too many tiles over, and I wasn't too worried about the bingo lanes to put much effort into blocking them.
>KC: DIR 3J .RID +10 343
>Noah: CDEEORU F4 U.E +5 348
#note I thought I should keep a balanced set of tiles and not empty the bag, so I made this small play. Quackle likes it alright, but prefers (O)DE, (F)EU and U(MM). One nice thing about this play is that I have a chance to draw in to stuff like COA(L)ED. On the other hand, the other plays allow that too, and also score more points, something that is important here. One important thing is that I am pretty sure she drew at least one power tile, because of her surprised reaction to drawing. These are scattered thoughts, but I'm not sure what's best.
>KC: JO 7K JO +14 357
>Noah: ACDENOR 12G ACORNED +81 429
>Noah: (DEIRUZ) +32 461