Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Rick_Wong Rick Wong
#player2 Noah Noah
>Rick_Wong: AACRT 8D CARAT +20 20
>Noah: ADGNOPV E7 P.GOD +18 18
#note So many options here...I thought this was reasonable since I had another A, though CARAT could certainly imply another A. Quackle suggests that I overvalue the V, and in this position it's not very good unless I get (PAGOD)A. I think I am counting a bit too much on the hook. On the other hand, I didn't like the DGN leave, which Quackle likes 4 points more than ANV for some reason. I am NOT convinced.
>Rick_Wong: ?ACEIRY H2 vERACI.Y +63 83
#note He chickened out on ClAYIER--thank goodness!
>Noah: ANOSVVY 12D NAVVY +46 64
#note Because now I have this.
>Rick_Wong: BDELT 5G T.BLED +18 101
>Noah: GLNOSUW L1 WOUL. +26 90
#note Maybe ROW or YOWL, keeping more open lanes and scoring a bit better. Then again, I don't love the U. Tough call.
>Rick_Wong: RTU H12 .URT +21 122
>Noah: EGLNOSS 1L .OGS +24 114
#note I looked for bingos, but I didn't notice the Y for LYSOGENS.
>Rick_Wong: DFLNO 13H .NFOLD +22 144
>Noah: ELNOQSS 3K S.Q +24 138
>Rick_Wong: DEEIPTU M6 DEPUTIE. +64 208
>Rick_Wong: DEEIPTU -- -64 144
>Noah: EELMNOS 4A SOLEMNE. +74 212
>Rick_Wong: DEEIPTU A4 .TUPID +27 171
>Noah: ?AIIJRT F2 JI. +26 238
#note Also considered JIA(O), but I liked this leave, especially with many open spots left.
>Rick_Wong: EIU 4L .IEU +16 187
>Noah: ?AHIORT N7 THORIAs +71 309
#note I looked for a long time here, and only came up with this or OOH B4, which are in fact the only two plays. I need to trust my blank bingo finding skills more in this regard, as I eat up a lot of time on racks like this.
>Rick_Wong: EEINORR 15A REORIEN. +77 264
>Noah: AAAIISX O8 AX +51 360
>Rick_Wong: BEM G7 M.BE +31 295
>Noah: AAEGIIS M8 AGA +27 387
#note I prefer AGE given the Es that are out. Also didn't notice AA(L)II, which may be a good play here.
>Rick_Wong: AW F8 .AW +38 333
>Noah: EEEIINS B6 NISEI +22 409
>Rick_Wong: EFHINTZ B12 ZIN. +26 359
#note (MI)ZEN outshines everything else by far.
>Noah: EEKO 14G O.E +7 416
#note Almost, but the best play is just O(E) at F14.
>Rick_Wong: EFHT D3 H.FT +10 369
>Noah: EK J4 E.K +17 433
>Noah: (E) +2 435
Player 2
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