Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Alex Alex
#player2 Noah Noah
>Alex: III -III +0 0
>Noah: EFINOSZ 8G FIZ +30 30
#note I considered high-scoring Z plays, but thought this was better given all of the opportunities they gave away+leave+he just exchanged 3 so closed board is better.
>Alex: DNNOSTW H7 W.ND +8 8
#note Alex's actual rack.
>Noah: AENOOSX I8 .OEA +20 50
#note This will fail some, but I thought it was reasonable to try. OOZE instead, perhaps.
>Alex: INP J10 NIP +15 23
>Noah: EINOOSX 12J .OX +24 74
>Alex: AEINOST K4 ATONIES +69 92
>Noah: EILNOSV 5D NOVELIS. +72 146
>Alex: AGOT 4B GOAT +16 108
>Noah: AEEILUU -AEIUU +0 146
>Alex: III -III +0 108
>Noah: ACEHILO J4 A.H +29 175
#note Some interesting options here--I like this play.
>Alex: ADDE H1 DEDA. +24 132
>Noah: BCEILOS 7F BO. +15 190
#note I thought of BOIL L1, but liked this better. I didn't think of BOILS L1, which I like here.
>Alex: ?AEILRU 1A AURIcLE. +77 209
>Noah: CEEILNS 13E LICENSE +71 261
>Alex: HU L3 UH +22 231
>Noah: ?IKRRTT J2 TR... +10 271
#note Self-descriptive play, I suppose :). I looked for awhile, but didn't quite spot KEIR until a bit after this play.
>Alex: EEY M11 EYE +28 259
>Noah: ?CKLORT H12 K.LT +39 310
>Alex: AQT 3A QAT +31 290
>Noah: ?CIMORV M1 VIM +24 334
>Alex: EIJS 1K JI.ES +48 338
>Noah: ?CNORUU -NUU +0 334
#note I didn't see very many plays here--wish I noticed (I)NCUR!
>Alex: DUW L6 WUD +25 363
>Noah: ?BCEGOR F12 B.G +10 344
#note Continued not knowing what to do. Maybe GIB? Wasn't sure, with the extra E out.
>Alex: AMPR 6B PRAM +22 385
>Noah: ?CEOORR 2F OR. +11 355
#note The bingos here aren't very satisfying, so I chose this.
>Alex: EFIY C6 .EIFY +16 401
>Noah: ?ACEORR N5 COARsER +64 419
>Noah: (GNTU) +10 429
Player 2
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