Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Joe_Miller Joe Miller
>Noah: ABEIKOR 8H BREAK +32 32
#note Perhaps KORAI. I may have underestimated the difference between IO and BE.
>Joe_Miller: HOW 9F WHO +17 17
>Noah: AEFGINO 8H .....ING +45 77
#note I did think of BREAKAGE...10 seconds after I played.
>Joe_Miller: ?AADGIO 10H ADAGIOs +65 82
#note Joe asked for a music bonus for this play, and I obliged.
>Noah: ABEFOOT 11K OF +21 98
#note This was a tough play. I considered a variety of options. I did think of BOA 7M, but I didn't realize it's major advantage: it sets up a great play of OFT! I like that play quite a bit.
>Joe_Miller: DOOSWY 12H WOODSY +51 133
>Noah: AABEGOT 7M BOA +20 118
#note I considered WAGE, say, but I liked keeping the board opener. I have been thinking a lot this game, while Joe has been speed-rushing me. He continues to do so throughout the game.
>Joe_Miller: ANT F9 .ANT +9 142
>Noah: AEFGNST H12 .AFT +30 148
#note I'm not sure why, but Quackle prefers WEFT here. Maybe because of the AGE words at J1?
>Joe_Miller: AELZ E10 ZEAL +43 185
>Noah: EGINRRS 15E RES.RING +61 209
#note I might've tried FRINGERS* in a tourney, but I'm fine without phoneys at club. I got a music bonus for this word.
>Joe_Miller: IP 14J PI +22 207
#note Speed rushing more.
>Noah: EEHRRUU K5 URE. +8 217
#note Unfortunately didn't see the 9L spot for these letters until later.
>Joe_Miller: ELOUV I3 VELOU. +14 221
>Noah: EEHRSTU D11 THE +29 246
#note Though I could go for a stronger leave here with HE(S) or HE, I wanted to put on scoring pressure with fewer open lanes.
>Joe_Miller: DIJNN L2 JINN +24 245
>Noah: CENRSUY I12 .Y +18 264
#note Didn't have time to figure out bingo possibilities. Maybe CAY is better.
>Joe_Miller: ADILV 1H VALID +48 293
#note Ouch.
>Noah: CENRSTU C13 CUR +20 284
#note Again, I'm playing pretty fast. JUN looks good here.
>Joe_Miller: AET 1H .....ATE +36 329
#note Double ouch.
>Noah: DEEENST 14F DE. +20 304
>Joe_Miller: MM 6N MM +29 358
>Noah: EEILNST 4B SELENIT. +68 372
#note I also noticed ENLISTEE, but felt this might get a challenge.
>Joe_Miller: ?EIPQRT C3 R.EQuIP +40 398
#note Best is QI(N)TaR, COX(E)S, and PE(C).
>Noah: CEIOSUX F1 EXO.IC +37 409
>Joe_Miller: T - +0 398
#note Joe mistracked and thought (E)T lost by one, but it actually one by one (he had me with S?).
>Noah: SU 10B US +22 431
>Noah: (T) +2 433
Player 2
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