Player 1 |
#player1 XP XP
#player2 Noah Noah
>XP: BEGNU 8D BEGUN +22 22
>Noah: AEEIPST 9G PEA +18 18
#note EPEEIST is also here, but I like this.
>XP: EHNW J6 WHEN +24 46
>Noah: CEIRRST E7 R.CITERS +70 88
#note Okay, so the main questions I have this game are about board dynamics. It seemed like I should play this here because it focuses the attention to the bottom, rather than the bottom and the top. Of course, the top can be easily opened, but I thought it was reasonable to try this. What do you guys think? It seems like a good learning position to me.
>XP: ABENO K2 BEANO +19 65
#note Because now, the board is wide open.
>Noah: ?FIRSVZ 12D F.Z +30 118
#note The other play I'm not sure about. I figured I should start closing more lanes with the lead, so I mostly blocked three bingo lanes with this, but sacrificed five points by choosing this over F(I)Z. I'm hoping to bingo soon and use that to close the board even more. There is another interesting play here, that I didn't consider: ViZI(E)RS at 3G. It scores 64 and closes down some lanes at the top. I don't know, interesting play, and I'd be curious to see what your board-dynamical thoughts are.
>XP: AEF F10 FA.E +41 106
>Noah: ?ILORSV 4F bOLIV.RS +72 190
#note The other board dynamical play. This seems a mistake for sure though--I missed VaRIOL(A)S, which is a lot better for the board than this. These last three were the only main plays of question--I continued to get lucky this game, and had few interesting plays later.
#rack1 EGHIOXY