Player 1 |
#player1 Brian_Galebach Brian Galebach
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Brian_Galebach: IQ H7 QI +22 22
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEEIRT G8 AE +5 5
#note I6 AI or AIT? RAITA or TERAI? Meh.
>Brian_Galebach: EHOOY F9 HOOEY +18 40
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEFIRT I5 AFIRE +25 30
#note G12 FE 17? 12A FERIA(E) or FAERI(E)?
>Brian_Galebach: UUU -UUU +0 40
>Ryan_Fischer: CEEOSTU 13B CUTE. +20 50
#note 6I (F)EU 8 says Champ. COTEAU is a little too volatile.
>Brian_Galebach: ADEIV B9 ADVI.E +32 72
>Ryan_Fischer: DEHOSUW A8 WHO +35 85
#note 11E W(O)OSHED 56. Still can't find non-bingo 2x2s easily.
>Brian_Galebach: DIOX C6 OXID +31 103
>Ryan_Fischer: DDEPSTU D6 PUD +26 111
#note Champ likes this best. It was between this and DUPED for me. DUPED gave too much back, I figured. DUDE is a decent option, too.
>Brian_Galebach: ?EINRTU 11E R.UTINEs +78 181
>Ryan_Fischer: DEEEOST J4 ODE +16 127
#note It's going to be THAT kind of weekend. At least I got this right.
>Brian_Galebach: BIZ K3 BIZ +56 237
#note Yup, THAT kind of weekend.
>Ryan_Fischer: AEELOST L3 OLEATES +90 217
#note Well, it isn't all bad.
>Brian_Galebach: RT 8K R.T +3 240
#note ...
>Ryan_Fischer: ACIKLNY B2 CLINK +61 278
>Brian_Galebach: ?AINNRS 15B SNARINg +84 324
#note No surprise there.
>Ryan_Fischer: AAPSTTY M1 PATY +35 313
#note PAYS is cute, but probably won't be enough to catch him. PATY at least gives me a fighting chance...
>Brian_Galebach: AGINOVW 14H AVOWING +83 407
#note ...unless THAT happens.
>Ryan_Fischer: AJLMSTU 4A J.LT +38 351
#note Looking grim.
>Brian_Galebach: EMOR 1K MO.ER +30 437
>Ryan_Fischer: ABMNRSU N1 .M +16 367
#note Saw B(I)MA, it surrenders. Although, even if I bingo it won't catch him. It's the principle. BU(N)N for 12 is Champ's top choice. I guess to go out quickly. Mine fishes for UNBEARS. First saw MANURES/SURNAME, but it wouldn't go down.
>Brian_Galebach: AEFGGLS N8 ELF +18 455
#note Best block, says Champ.
>Ryan_Fischer: ABENRSU E1 ABUSE +26 393
>Brian_Galebach: AGGS 13J GAS +14 469
#note O1 (R)AGGS 14 and out.
>Ryan_Fischer: NR 12A R.N +6 399
>Ryan_Fischer: (G) +4 403