Game Details
Player 1
#player1 dacrON dacrON
#player2 Noah Noah
>dacrON: EEHILUV 8D HELVE +30 30
>Noah: BEEGINO 7D OBE +16 16
>dacrON: ACINOTU 6F CAUTION +78 108
>Noah: EEGGIIN L4 GE.IE +14 30
#note Seemed more conducive to bingos than (BE)IGE. GIE might be right, I don't know. This seems not bad.
>dacrON: ADDEERX 8J EX.DRA +42 150
>Noah: ABGILNR 4E GARBLIN. +65 95
>dacrON: ?DEOPUZ N1 DOUZEPe. +100 250
>Noah: AAEIOQW 1L QA.I +72 167
>dacrON: AIJOOTY 9C JOY +35 285
>Noah: AEEHMOW 3C WHAMO +38 205
>dacrON: AILOTTT 9H LOTI +18 303
#note Conrad: my plan was to set up a way to kill the D and the A at once. what is right here?
>Noah: ADEEIOR 5B AIDER +30 235
>dacrON: AAFTTUY 6A AY +26 329
#note Conrad: someone teach me how to play scrabble. (J)UTTY sims ridiculously better. Why?
>Noah: DENORST G2 D.. +4 239
#note Noah: BEYOND is best by far, I would have played it in a heartbeat had I seen it. I just didn't see much else here. Of course there are some good R(AIDER) plays, but I don't really like those. As for D(OR), I didn't think there was another O left.
>dacrON: AFKSTTU A6 .FT +18 347
#note Conrad: Quackle prefers (A)UK, despite the V/C ratio. seems right to neutralize this spot here now
>Noah: ENNORST I9 .N +2 241
#note Conrad: seems like a good play. quackle agrees.
>dacrON: AFKRSTU C9 .AUKS +32 379
#note Conrad: I'm looking golden right? KRAFTS is the play I missed here. damn.
>Noah: ENNORST 11E TONNERS +81 322
>dacrON: FGLMRST A4 GR... +18 397
#note Conrad: problem is that i'm running out of time here, so i don't have too long to think here. I put too much stock in MISGR(AFT). The idea of my play was to leave something to bail me out if he bingoed again, and 3 Is left. I guess G(O)LF is best though? One issue could be that I overly weight worst-case scenarios. Just because he *could* have drawn another bingo out of the bag doesn't mean (1) he actually did, and (2) he only has one starting with an S.
>Noah: ?AEIPST O8 .SPIrATE +77 399
#note Noah: Saw (A)PATItES, but decided on this because it seems like overlaps would score more after APATItES. There are other spots for scoring tiles, though, so the three points are worth it. AIDER, DOR, and ON ate up a lot of time, even though I came up with those plays almost immediately. Of course APATItES would've won in my situation
>dacrON: FLMNSTV F10 V.LT +15 412
#note Conrad: So I'm at about a minute when this play starts. Fortunately I tracked correctly. According to Quackle, V(U)M actually wins 53%, V(O)LTS winse half the time, F(O)NT at 44.5% and this only 37.5. With how I was on time, I figured I still had a shot, especially if I draw an I.
>Noah: CEIIOUW 12A CU.E +26 425
#note Noah: At least I played the endgame correctly.
>dacrON: EFMNRS 14E FERNS +20 432
#note Conrad: I had about 10 seconds here. I wrote CU(K)E down as 10 less than it actually was, so I thought FERNS was just fine. I also failed massively in my evaluation of FEM's point value. As it turned out, this was good for the win.
>Noah: IIOW 1G OW +20 445
>dacrON: M 10B M. +10 442
>dacrON: (II) +4 446
Player 2
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