Player 1 |
#player1 cesar cesar
#player2 joe_e joe e
>cesar: DDEIINN 8G DIN +8 8
>joe_e: AEIKLTU I6 AU.TLIKE +65 65
#note dammit! i don't get it, am i supposed to exchange? if not, then why did bricap open with LANTHORN against me after i opened with GUITAR? scrabble is dumb. stop being dumb, scrabble.
>cesar: DEEIINN 12I .INE +16 24
#note didn't i just have this rack? too lazy to check.
>joe_e: ABELY 6F BEL.Y +24 89
>cesar: ?AADEIN M6 NAIADEs +67 91
#note i spent WAY TOO LONG on this rack. just play it and be done with it. maybe 9F DENTALIA, which i now like a lot better. oops. (-2)
>joe_e: AHIMRT N2 THIRAM +34 123
#note and then i held for like 5 minutes on this! i knew THIARM was one of the two, but could not remember that the other one was so close to it. i thought it was a cool word like MARTISH or MITHRAS. actually, my hand almost hit the challenge button after i thought of MITHRAS until i remembered it was some mythical japanese creature. (i think) oh wait, is that Mothra? in any case, i eventually convinced myself it was good...
>cesar: ADDEOOT O1 TOAD +33 124
>joe_e: EINZ F2 ZINE. +36 159
>cesar: CDEEOTU H13 DUE +15 139
#note oh SHIT. well, that's what i get for not studying :( (-60)
>joe_e: GINW O6 WING +35 194
#note none of this crap would have happened without DUECENTO. well, that one might have.
>cesar: ACEFORT E4 OF +22 161
#note OAF G1 and AFORE G2 are pretty cool plays. eh scores a lot and doesn't afraid of anything. (-3)
>joe_e: EFIQTTU 8L Q. +21 215
#note ok he temporarily stopped scoring
>cesar: ACEORTV 4H CERATO.. +28 189
#note oh god that is terrible! i think at this point i was super low on time. i remember thinking of CARVEL though! did i chicken out on it? what about travel or coeval. oh god. maybe i didn't actually play this. yes, that's what happened. (-24.5)
>joe_e: NORS K2 RO.NS +21 236
>cesar: EFGHSVV J11 F.VE +24 213
>joe_e: LOPRSTU 15C POULT.RS +72 308
>cesar: BEGHSVY D1 BEVY +42 255
>joe_e: COR H1 CRO. +24 332
>cesar: ?AGHJRS 7C JAGS +37 292
>joe_e: GOX 8B GOX +45 377
#note awesome
>cesar: ?HLOPRT 1B LO. +5 297
#note 14B HOT. no quackle. then he blocks the only lane and the game is over. now LOB is probably not right either, but i have to do something up there, i think.
>joe_e: EEMS A1 SEEM +45 422
#note oh well
>cesar: ?HIPRTU 14B HUT +18 315
#note wow. (-13) (find the play, it is cool)
>joe_e: AAEIW 9C WE +36 458
>cesar: ?IPR A12 RIPs +27 342
>cesar: (AAI) +6 348