Player 1 |
#player1 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 Liz_Gottlin Liz Gottlin
>Ryan_Fischer: BCIIQRU 8F CRIB +16 16
>Liz_Gottlin: BEHIJOT I6 JO. +13 13
#note OBJET in either spot gives something back. BO(C)HE is an option, as his HI(C), setting up OBJET next turn. Of note: HOBBIT.
>Ryan_Fischer: BEIINQU F3 QUINI. +19 35
#note Wow, didn't think of fishing off BI with 6I (J)IB 14.
>Liz_Gottlin: EHILOTV E5 HIT +26 39
#note Q prefers HOT to HIT. Odd.
>Ryan_Fischer: BEHNOPW D2 WHOP +32 67
>Liz_Gottlin: AAEILOV C1 VOE +27 66
#note 2A AVO(W) 20 is just silly. C'mon, Q! J4 AVO 19 gets rid of one of the As, as does C2 AA 19.
>Ryan_Fischer: ABENORR J3 BARON +22 89
>Liz_Gottlin: AAILNOR 1A LA. +18 84
#note 3I A(B)OIL 16
>Ryan_Fischer: EEGKORT K2 KORE +26 115
#note K3 OGEE 31, 2B G(OW)K 30, K5 EGO 26. Wow, didn't realize so many plays would rank better than KORE. *shrug*
>Liz_Gottlin: ?AIMNOR L5 IRONMAn +62 146
#note L4 MINORcA 81, H8 (I)gNORAMI 80, ignore MORAINE or MINORCA one short of the 2WS. L3 AMINO 32 a tad before IRONMAN.
>Ryan_Fischer: EGINOST 9L .O +5 120
#note B1 (A)T 16? I don't like that leave, and blocking the L. In fact, all these fishes ahead of (M)O look pretty blah. (M)OG is interesting considering she drew a random seven.
>Liz_Gottlin: AFGINNY 11I FAN.Y +20 166
#note Not sure why not one to the right. I forgot to ask her. B1 (A)NY 33, K10 FAYING 33, L1 FAY 27.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?EGINST A1 .IGNiTES +77 197
#note ...I hate this game. And I missed LINGIEST.
>Liz_Gottlin: DGIINSV N4 DIVINGS +78 244
>Liz_Gottlin: DGIINSV -- -78 166
#note She played this ever so slowly as if to try to get a reaction from me. Hesitated, then put the S on, and I stopped the clock and she was all like, "Dammit!" Funnily enough, Kenji and I were just talking about this the night before, and it specifically came up that pretty much all sports or activities except for DIVING were good with the S.
>Ryan_Fischer: EEEGLSU 10F GLUE +14 211
#note Haha, well, now there's no WAY I'm playing KLUGE! KUGEL, maybe I shoulda considered. Champ, oddly (with inference), likes my play best. Go figure.
>Liz_Gottlin: DGIINSV B7 DIVING +18 184
#note Just DIVING off MO would be fine for 25. Except for creating a lucrative S hook. L1 VID 23, 3J (BO)VID 22.
>Ryan_Fischer: CEEESSU M2 CUES +16 227
#note 8K E(N)SUE 17? But why? I'm fine with this. Obstructs, scores, somewhat balances. Everything else suggested isn't too bright.
>Liz_Gottlin: ADFTUWX N6 WAFT +23 207
#note None of her choices are very appealing here. WAX and FAX both give major comebacks. WAFT seemed like the lesser of two evils at the time, sure. 12G WAFT 22 might be an option. But where to bingo?
>Ryan_Fischer: EEPRSTT O4 PRETEST +114 341
#note PERTEST plays as well (PETTERS).
>Liz_Gottlin: DILSTUX 12J XU +20 227
#note M9 (O)X(Y) 22?
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEEMRZ 13F AMAZE +39 380
#note Super volatile, but what the hey? Only thing close is A(G)AZE and it isn't too much safer.
>Liz_Gottlin: DDILOST 14J DILDO +38 265
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEEELR 14B AREAE +18 398
#note 14F EEL 15 to go out with AREA. I had not forseen that. I have to block STYED, from where I'm sitting. My play is 3rd, still allowing D(A)YS.
>Liz_Gottlin: DESTY H12 D.YS +30 295
#note O12 DYES 38. Didn't know about that hook. Whoa.
>Ryan_Fischer: EL M11 .EL. +16 414
>Ryan_Fischer: (ET) +4 418