Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Geoff_Thevenot Geoff Thevenot
>Matt_Canik: ADDENOS 8G DO +6 6
#note I need to win this by 209 to win the tourney.
>Geoff_Thevenot: ENRVY I6 NERVY +20 20
>Matt_Canik: ADEENSU J5 NUDE +19 25
>Geoff_Thevenot: EGV H4 VEG +15 35
>Matt_Canik: AEEKNOS J10 OKE +16 41
#note Holds the A for the adore lane. AKENES is 38, but I was looking to bingo since I had to win by so much.
>Geoff_Thevenot: HILT 13J HILT +25 60
>Matt_Canik: AEMNOOS K3 MOO +14 55
>Geoff_Thevenot: ?AQSS N10 QuASS +74 134
>Matt_Canik: AEFNNSX 12G ANN.XE +41 96
>Geoff_Thevenot: EORTW L4 WROTE +31 165
>Matt_Canik: DEFISTW K10 DI..T +45 141
>Geoff_Thevenot: FLP G10 FL.P +12 177
>Matt_Canik: ACEFLSW 15G FLAWS +47 188
>Geoff_Thevenot: EMZ 5E MEZ. +30 207
>Matt_Canik: ACEEGIN O8 ACING +47 235
>Geoff_Thevenot: JTU N6 JUT +28 235
>Matt_Canik: EEEPRRT 6B PETER +23 258
#note Talked myself out of TEMPERER, RETEMPER is also good. Bleh.
>Geoff_Thevenot: HNO 7C HON +26 261
>Matt_Canik: AEEEIOR O3 AERO +14 272
>Geoff_Thevenot: AABIL 4A LABIA +22 283
>Matt_Canik: EEGIIIS -EGIII +0 272
>Geoff_Thevenot: ADIR 3D ARID +16 299
>Matt_Canik: ?CEOSTU 11A OUTSCa.E +70 342
>Matt_Canik: ?CEOSTU -- -70 272
#note I saw LACTEOUS/LOCUSTAE and knew there was a 3rd in that list. I just thought it was this, not OSCULATE. :(
>Geoff_Thevenot: EIY 13E YI.E +11 310
>Matt_Canik: ?CEOSTU F2 O. +4 276
#note So I have to hope that the R is in the bag, and then maybe something miraculous happens.

>Geoff_Thevenot: ABGIIIU G1 GI. +7 317
#note After discussion, Geoff said there was nothing he could do to stop me from bingoing, so he had to pick the bingo I was most likely to miss, between BECRUSTS and GRUTCHES. Really, had be picked BECRUSTS, I also had BUTCHERS which I certainly would have seen and bingoed out. Geoff elected to play GID because I was less likely to see it, but in reality AID instead of GID blocks all bingoes and wins.
>Matt_Canik: ?CERSTU 14B CURES +27 303
#note I look for a while, I actually see grutches, but doubt it's good because I've never seen it before, and I figure Geoff wouldn't set me up for that if it were.
>Geoff_Thevenot: ABIIU A1 BIA.I +21 338
>Matt_Canik: ?T B1 aT +9 312
#note I played really badly in the second half of this game. I don't have anything else to say.
>Matt_Canik: (U) +2 314
Player 2
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