Game Details
Player 1
#player1 k8 k8
#player2 monk monk
>k8: GIMPPQV 8G QI +22 22
#note dunno why i didn't trade
>monk: FNU 9H FUN +12 12
>monk: ?ADEERU J8 U.DEREAt +64 76
>k8: EENOOSW 15G NOW. +18 40
#note not so good. townee if i had thought of it.
>monk: FIK 11H KI.F +22 98
>k8: DEEENOS 12I D.EE +18 58
>monk: ACHLR K4 LARCH +25 123
>k8: AEGNOSY 14B NOSEGAY +87 145
>monk: BDU 15A BUD +23 146
>k8: LLMNORT E9 TOLLM.N +18 163
>monk: AEEILTV D3 ELATIVE +80 226
>k8: ?BCEIPR 8A PER. +27 190
#note totally whiffed on that one.
>monk: AGOT E3 TOGA +22 248
>k8: ?ABCEIN 4G BACu.INE +74 264
>monk: EINWZ M2 WI.ZE +34 282
>k8: EIJMOST F6 JO +51 315
>monk: GIINRTU B1 INTRIGU. +76 358
>k8: AEIMPST M8 IMPASTE +84 399
>monk: IX A1 XI +56 414
>k8: AEOSTVY N1 VOT. +26 425
#note hard. felt like i should try to conserve the Y because it scored well in a bunch of places. but, also like i should block the bottom hook to impaste. but also i only thought of impastes and not impasted. if i had considered that, maybe i would've played soy? but then dhows scores so much at 2J, and i don't have a great comeback after it, so that's why i chose this. it's fifth best in sim. based on what was actually in the bag, i think i was gonna lose regardless, but those of you who are good at endgame can prove me wrong.
>monk: DHOORRS 15M DOR +25 439
#note the only 100% win - good job monk!
>k8: AAESY 13C YA. +32 457
>monk: HORS H1 HOR.S +24 463
>monk: (AES) +6 469
Player 2
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