Player 1 |
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Matt_DeWaelsche Matt DeWaelsche
>Matt_Canik: EFGIISX 8G FIX +26 26
#note Game 2 of the 2011 Dallas Nationals. Current Record: 0-1, -110.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: ALOPRT J6 PATROL +30 30
>Matt_Canik: DEGINOS H8 .NDIGOES +86 112
>Matt_DeWaelsche: IIM 6H IM.I +8 38
#note Looked for a long time after initially playing LIMBI/PI K2.
>Matt_Canik: ?AEEGGN 15A ENGAGEr. +80 192
#note Highest scoring bingo by 8 points.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: ABEILV 5D VIABLE +28 66
#note Counted as 34. Note to self: doublecheck opponent's math, because this makes 24 points total I've lost in two games.
>Matt_Canik: AIOPQTU 5K QUIP +52 244
>Matt_DeWaelsche: BEERT D2 BRE.ET +22 88
>Matt_Canik: ?AAFNOT K10 FA +19 263
#note Whiffed ANT(I)FOAm, which was the only playable bingo. I had a feeling there was something in here.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: ACCDI M3 AC.DIC +24 112
>Matt_Canik: ?AAENOT 3B AE.ONAuT +68 331
#note AE(R)ATiON also plays for two less. Only those two bingoes.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: HKT 6B KH.T +23 135
>Matt_Canik: EMOUUWY O3 YOU +23 354
#note Defensive, I don't want to give up anything big now.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: AEEILRT 13E AER.LITE +60 195
>Matt_Canik: DEEMOUW 12L MEOW +34 388
>Matt_DeWaelsche: EJ H1 JE. +27 222
>Matt_Canik: DEHNOOV N10 HO.VED +42 430
#note Wanted to save the H for KHETH/AH, but this was a lot of points.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: NRW 14L WR.N +15 237
>Matt_Canik: OY 8M .OY +24 454
#note Quit writing racks at this point, just play here to block the spot.
>Matt_DeWaelsche: DNRSTUZ 6B ....S +18 255
>Matt_Canik: ANORUUZ F9 AZUR. +34 488
>Matt_DeWaelsche: DILNRST 8A DITS +31 286
>Matt_Canik: NOSU C8 .ONUS +6 494
#note I certainly pulled the bag here, but I didn't really make any mistakes aside from missing ANTIFOAM, and I hit a bingo the next turn so it didn't hurt me much. Not much to say, I got lucky.
>Matt_Canik: (LNR) +6 500