Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Thomas_Reinke: GIOY 8E YOGI +16 16
>Ryan_Fischer: AEELNUY I7 UNLAY +19 19
#note 9C YUAN 18?
>Thomas_Reinke: CDHILOS J1 COLDISH +72 88
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEEFGT 1H FA.ETE +36 55
>Thomas_Reinke: BRRR H11 BRRR +14 102
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEGOOV 14E OVE.AGE +23 78
>Thomas_Reinke: AAHILS E5 ALI.AHS +52 154
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ANNNOR 15I NONA +12 90
#note F7 N(O)NA 17.
>Thomas_Reinke: EGJU 4H JU.GE +44 198
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AEINRZ D9 ZAIRE +46 136
#note I guess since there's another blank it's okay to take ZINgARE and run? I think ZEIN would have a good chance of bingoing next turn. AZINE too. Mine's wrong, obviously.
>Thomas_Reinke: ABIKT D1 BATIK +34 232
>Ryan_Fischer: ?DDIINT 15A NITID +24 160
#note So much for that.
>Thomas_Reinke: EMW J10 MEW +32 264
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ADNRST N1 STRANDs +84 244
#note Phony hook I sorta knew about...
>Thomas_Reinke: DEFILOW O7 OLDWIFE +105 369
#note ...only gets me in deeper shit.
>Ryan_Fischer: EEEIOPT 14A OPE +22 266
>Thomas_Reinke: Q 11N Q. +11 380
>Ryan_Fischer: EEIRTTV 13C V.T +28 294
>Thomas_Reinke: X F8 .X +28 408
>Ryan_Fischer: EEEIRTU 12L REI. +25 319
#note (J)EU is the play. Though it's not as if I'll bingo if he's smart. I was just feeling sorta blah now, noticed HE could bingo if I wasn't careful, so took the points here and restricted column L a bit.
>Thomas_Reinke: CMNOOPS 1A COM. +30 438
#note Champ says his best route is COPS ->
>Ryan_Fischer: ?EETUU K10 Us +23 342
#note That wily blank, one of the last tiles in the bag.
>Thomas_Reinke: NOPS F2 PONS +19 457
>Thomas_Reinke: (EETU) +8 465
Player 2
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