Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jesse Jesse
#player2 Geoff Geoff
>Jesse: AEGILNR 8B ENGRAIL +70 70
>Geoff: EEILMTU 7A EMU +13 13
#note Not sure why I played this at 7A; 9A seems a little more sensible at first glance. But 7A actually sims best by 3-4 points. Can't really figure out why, and the sim details don't really say much beyond 7A being a hair more offensive.
>Jesse: DDEEKOZ -DDEEKO +0 70
>Geoff: DEEILOT E4 DOLE.ITE +86 99
>Jesse: AEENRRS H8 .EARNERS +77 147
>Geoff: IKOSTTU 14B OUTSKI.T +94 193
>Jesse: AAAHM 4A HAMA.A +32 179
>Geoff: FINOPRU 3B FOP +33 226
#note Thought of FINO 15A and OUPH A1, but for some reason not UPON 3A, which I might have played instead. In a short sim, UPON is on top, with FOP half a point back.
>Jesse: CX 5D C.X +28 207
>Geoff: ?DEINRU 15H .oURDINE +81 307
>Jesse: GNV 10G V.NG +12 219
>Geoff: ?AERTTY L8 YATTERe. +80 387
#note Briefly considered ENTREATY for 70, sacrificing points for D, but decided 10 points was too much. Didn't see TERAbYT(E), though if I had looked a little longer I think I would have. YATTERED and TERABYTE sim equally well.
>Jesse: ABDDE 8J DA.BED +39 258
>Geoff: CHILORU N5 CHI.L +18 405
#note Wanted to muck up the N and O columns more than anything. I considered URCHIN N10, but it doesn't block those lines. Kind of a lot of equity to sacrifice for the cause, though.
>Jesse: EINOPST 3F PINTOES +73 331
#note Misscored as 74. I've got to start checking more closely.
>Geoff: BIJOQRU 2J JO +52 457
>Jesse: ALNWY 1K WANLY +42 373
>Geoff: BEGIQRU H1 BI.GE +30 487
#note Didn't want to empty the bag with UBIQUE. QU is fine on this board...
>Jesse: FOOSW 12A WOOFS +40 413
>Geoff: AEIOQRU N11 QUOI. +28 515
>Jesse: IVZ 10C ZI. +12 425
>Geoff: AER J2 ..E +10 525
>Jesse: V - +0 425
>Geoff: AR H1 .....R +9 534
>Jesse: V - +0 425
>Geoff: A 6D A. +10 544
#note (COX)A(E) is 4 more points.
>Geoff: (V) +8 552
Player 2
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