Game Details
Player 1
#player1 will_anderson will anderson
#player2 scott_jackson scott jackson
>will_anderson: IQ 8G QI +22 22
>scott_jackson: ANORSTT I2 ATTORNS +71 71
>will_anderson: EFNRZ 5G FR.ZEN +36 58
>scott_jackson: ?BDOORT K4 R.BOOTeD +70 141
#note or K4 HARDBOOT
>will_anderson: EEGLOPR 11H PLE.GEOR +62 120
>scott_jackson: ADEGIIS O11 .IGID +24 165
>will_anderson: AO J4 A.O +24 144
>scott_jackson: AEIIMNS N13 AMI +24 189
#note better is QI fishing to AEIMNS
>will_anderson: AHTW M9 WH.AT +38 182
>scott_jackson: EGINSVY 4D GYVE +27 216
#note H10 SPYING
>will_anderson: HW J10 H.W +29 211
>scott_jackson: ?IMNORS 2H R.MpIONS +80 296
>will_anderson: ITU 9E TUI +16 227
>scott_jackson: CDEEKSV 1F VEE +24 320
#note this sims second best, eventhug the leave is kind of junky. the pool is vowel heavy though, which helps. PECKS is preferred by about a point.
>will_anderson: ACEEORS D7 ACEROSE +78 305
>scott_jackson: CDDKSUY H11 .UCK +13 333
#note i wish he had played something that took an S so I could clean this up with DUSKY 52. of course i still have PUCKS, but I decided to make one of my dumbest plays ever. I thought, why not just set up my S? wait.. is PUCKA good.. uhhh.. no that's not good. ok i'm safe.
>will_anderson: ABELNNO 15G BALE +57 362
>scott_jackson: DDEJPSY O1 E.PY +39 372
>will_anderson: NNO O8 NON..... +30 392
>scott_jackson: ADDEJSU C11 JADE +41 413
#note okay, let's get the setup thing right this time. virtually nothing will can do about this with the O's gone.
>will_anderson: AF 14H .AF +33 425
>scott_jackson: DIILSTU L7 ID +12 425
#note i wanted to block the X spot at L8. i can't play LIDS/JADED yet because i only have one spot for TUI. however if i play TUI first i win since he has to block LIDS/JADED. the only other winning play is SULCI 8A. i don't think i even looked up there. anyway i decided to something pretty dumb instead. again.
>will_anderson: AEILNUX M1 I.N +6 431
#note fortunately will was not on his game here either. E13 XU, N5 LUXE and N4 AXILE are the winners.
>scott_jackson: ILSTU 15A LUST +28 453
#note still can win with SULCI but i don't see it. right after i played i realized i gave him a huge play to win.
>will_anderson: AELUX N5 AXLE +29 460
#note fortunately for me, will misses it, and also gives me enough points to go out with my I.
>scott_jackson: I 6N .I +9 462
>scott_jackson: (U) +2 464
Player 2
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