Game Details
Player 1
#player1 cesar cesar
#player2 leesa leesa
>cesar: CEHILUU 8H ULU +6 6
#note i considered HUIC but didn't like ELU very much. but the points make it worth it. (-2)
>leesa: GIIV I4 VIGI. +10 10
>cesar: CEEHHIO 6F CHI.OE +20 26
#note i don't remember the last time i saw the word "HEIGH". and it doesn't take an S (means HEY) (-3)
>leesa: AEOZ K2 ZOEA. +28 38
>cesar: BDDEHLN L3 EDH +27 53
>leesa: AMW 9J MAW +12 50
>cesar: AABDLNS L8 B.ANA +26 79
#note lol, i don't know what to do against someone who plays so aggressively. ALBA should be automatic against most people, but i wasn't sure what was going on with these plays. (-34)
>leesa: ABTT M10 BATT +20 70
>cesar: DFILSWY N7 WILY +34 113
>leesa: EIILRX O10 ELIXIR +51 121
>cesar: DEEFNST O4 FETED +53 166
#note actually DEF is probably better?
>leesa: FTTU 9E TUFT +13 134
>cesar: EENNOPS 10D NOPE +29 195
>leesa: ?EINORT 11D OEsTRIN +80 214
>cesar: AEENORS 15H REASONE. +77 272
>leesa: GOPR 14G GORP +27 241
>cesar: ILNOSSV 12A VINOS +34 306
#note don't mind me. i clearly have no idea how to play defense, after my disastrous first game in which i attempted it, so i will be mr. equity. nothing here has as much equity, but some smart people might do EDHS. yay, i suppose?
>leesa: ?CQU B10 QU.Ck +70 311
>cesar: DEGLNSY 15B SLY +26 332
#note how lucky am i that she didn't have the K or some other thing that didn't require using the blank? i was aware that opening up like that could result in a monster comeback, but i suppose my only consolation is that if it was a J or Q play, i'd have the momentum on a totally closed board. quackle likes 15B SEDGY best and that is exactly the type of play i was looking for. SEDGY basically forces her to empty the bag and i'd have perfect information, but i couldn't figure out any freaking 5-letter word. I'M TERRIBLE. (-3%)
>leesa: AEJK 13F JAKE +32 343
>cesar: ADEGMNO N1 GENOM +25 357
>leesa: ADIRRS - +0 343
>cesar: AD 2I AD. +17 374
>cesar: (ADIRRS) +14 388
Player 2
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