Player 1 |
#player1 edley edley
#player2 k8 k8
>edley: BCEEH 8H BEECH +32 32
>k8: AILNRUV 9E RIVAL +20 20
#note i did not know the world VINCULA.
>edley: AEGNRTW F4 TWANG.ER +66 98
>k8: ?ELNSTU K4 LiNE.UTS +86 106
>edley: AEY E5 AYE +29 127
>k8: ?FNSTTU 8H .....NUT +45 151
>edley: ADEGIOU 4H DIA.OGUE +76 203
>k8: ?FIIRST O1 RIF. +21 172
#note no bingos. i looked for nines for a bit.
>edley: HOWY H1 HOW.Y +45 248
>k8: ?BEIRST N7 T.RBInES +80 252
>edley: Q 2N Q. +22 270
>k8: DGLMOOP M11 POMO +31 283
>edley: AK 2H .AK +17 287
>k8: DDEGLOT O11 GODET +42 325
>edley: AIINRSS 15G RAISINS +83 370
>k8: ADLLPRZ D2 LARD +17 342
#note mmm.. can take the 40 and keep DLLR and make the board kind of grosss, or block this spot, which was worrying me in terms of overlap plays, and make a Z setup and hope to cash on it.
>edley: IJNOT 14F JOT +30 400
#note talked about how i blocked joint after the game.
>k8: AAELOPZ C2 AZO +50 392
#note another hard choice. ZA makes AR, which hooks better for future plays, but AZO scores the little bit more and PALE looks nicer than APOLE to me.
>edley: DIV 2B V..ID +26 426
>k8: AEELNOP 9M E. +6 398
#note the only bingo i could figure out that i could draw with a one tile fish and also play was NOPLACE. two tiles felt like it'd be too improbably to draw a bingo, and also easier for joe to figure out the possibilities of what i might have. KEA scores one more than this.
>edley: EFIINUX 11D FI. +12 438
>k8: AEELNOP D11 .ELON +18 416
>edley: CEIMNUX B4 MIX +33 471
>k8: AEP A6 APE +24 440
>k8: (CENU) +12 452