Player 1 |
#player1 cesar cesar
#player2 conrad conrad
>cesar: ?AIJLRV 8G JAR +20 20
#note this was kind of a strange choice. i didn't want to play RAJ because it seemed more closed than JAR. but then i didn't want to play JARL because i'm not necessarily going to bingo with IV?, and i'm throwing away my hook letter. JARL is arguably more closed. finally, JoVIAL was pretty tempting, but i'm a thrill seeker. all 4 choices sim really close, but the winner is RAJ. (-1) also, i'm ridiculously lucky for drawing the blank on the opening rack. what are the chances of that, like 10%??
>conrad: AHIO F5 OHIA +26 26
#note conrad: o hi, a jar!
>cesar: ?AHILUV E3 HULA +23 43
#note the AILV? leave is definitely better than VI?, but i really dislike making moves like E4 UH, especially against good players. UH E6 is another alternative, i suppose. (-5)
>conrad: AELLMNN D1 LEAN +19 45
>cesar: ?EEIISV 1D .IVErIES +80 123
#note what a no-brainer, see how lucky i am?
>conrad: TTTTTT -TTTTTT +0 45
>cesar: AFIOSTU 2J FIATS +47 170
#note wow, another S, and i get to use the huge spot i just set up! being lucky sucks, that's one wasted turn where i didn't have to think, therefore i didn't practice my decision making. FOU and FOIST might be better though. i misvaluated AIST, i suppose. (but quackle is probably being dumb and counting lots of bingos through the R, that probably won't be there. although, the AAH hook is there, etc) (-6.5)
>conrad: EPZ 7H ZEP +29 74
>cesar: MNOSTUW K4 MOWS +33 203
#note seriously another S? actually, i didn't see the very nice MAHOUT. and i'm glad i didn't. (-3)
>conrad: DEEIKNS 9I ENSKIED +68 142
#note conrad laid this down ON TOP OF mows, making the double-double for 115 points or whatever. how lucky am i?
>cesar: AEEGNTU O3 UNGATE. +30 233
>conrad: ?ADOORY D6 DAYROOm +85 227
>cesar: BEINNRT N6 BIN.R +29 262
#note despite my absurd luck now the game is even. i didn't see INBY here. also, i don't like BINE even though the leave is significantly better because of the consonant-heavy bag. quackle partly agrees by only valuating it a point over BINER. i guess ENRT is that strong, plus i have vowels to play through. but INBY still seems best. (-7.5)
>conrad: EFTW E11 WEFT +31 258
>cesar: EELLNTV 8A LEV. +30 292
>conrad: GIOPRU B2 GROUPI. +32 290
>cesar: EELNOTY 14B TEN.Y +32 324
#note L2 ATONE and ALONE are simming best, and this is interesting. i think the Y is worth more now, plus it kills a big X spot. NETTY/TENTY are too open. but i'm just worried now and need to keep scoring. (-5.5)
>conrad: ACDO 15A CODA +32 322
>cesar: DEILNOO 15F EIDOLON +82 406
#note seriously? look at the bag and what i drew to. another wasted move!
>conrad: BCEIMRT K11 MICR. +18 340
>cesar: AGQRTUX B10 QUAR.. +35 441
#note i drew the Q WITH the U, AND the X. lol.
>conrad: BET F10 BET +19 359
>conrad: (GTX) +22 381