Player 1 |
#player1 Mark_Kenas Mark Kenas
#player2 Jason Jason
>Mark_Kenas: AEIM -AI +0 0
#note Mark put down AMIE at H5 and then changed his mind.
>Jason: ACEEIRS -E +0 0
#note Tied for the lead with Speedy (AREIC), and esp. given that I'll probably have lots of eight potential next turn, has to be best.
>Mark_Kenas: III -III +0 0
>Jason: ACEHIRS 8B CAHIERS +82 82
#note Or ERIACHS#.
>Mark_Kenas: AACEIMS G4 MESA.AIC +64 64
>Jason: ?DEHNTU C6 cH.UNTED +82 164
#note Looked at the three double-double possibilities, but missed DUTCHmEN and UNHeATED. Grr.
>Mark_Kenas: AELO H1 ALOE +20 84
>Jason: ?AIITUW I3 IWI +18 182
#note TAUIWI# is good to know.
>Mark_Kenas: EFZ D12 FEZ +43 127
>Jason: ?AIILTU J5 nAUTILI +61 243
#note Only playable, and got a "nice play" from Mark. Admittedly high-prob, but he said it's the type of bingo he might miss.
>Mark_Kenas: ABENNOR 2A BANNERO. +74 201
>Jason: BEGIOOT 1A OBOE +42 285
#note Holding back the E and playing OBO# was a thought given how we'd been burning through vowels (16-32 ratio in the unseen pool), but for nine extra I think it's worth it.
>Mark_Kenas: ADOP 3A APOD +36 237
>Jason: GGIOTWY E13 YOW +27 312
#note (T)WIGGY is good. I came back to it a few times, but just wasn't sure enough to pull the trigger, esp. in 5-point challenge. Speedy puts eight other plays rank slightly ahead of this (some I considered, some I didn't), but I think this play is defensible compared to those. But not compared to TWIGGY.
>Mark_Kenas: DEILNSS 15E .INDLESS +89 326
#note Note that Mark doesn't bingo (not even with D(A)IL(I)NESS at 9F) after TWIGGY.
>Jason: GGIQTTV 10F Q. +31 343
#note Considered the TI(C) setup, but if Mark sniffs it out it's a certain exchange next turn. Plus, even if it works, my rack afterward is GGTVxxx. If I'd known Mark tracked his next rack off immediately after drawing it because he knew he was bingoing, I would've played TIC. I dunno which is right. Thoughts welcome.
>Mark_Kenas: AEINPRT 1H .NTIRAPE +83 409
#note Note that if I don't let Mark bingo last turn, he can't pull a bingo out of the bag this turn. Le sigh.
>Jason: GGIKTTV 11E TI.K +31 374
>Mark_Kenas: EFMO K11 FOME. +30 439
>Jason: GGLRTVX 7I V.GG +13 387
#note CP says exchange. I just figured I had no shot to hit anything that would win. Of course, I probably have no shot to draw the Y and hit anything meaningful off VUGG. I figured the sequence basically had to be: Play VUGG, have Mark use the VUGGY hook to make a five-tile play and unknowingly empty the bag (that part happened, at least), then hit some miracle draw to bingo from the E and win. (shrug)
>Mark_Kenas: GOTUY M3 GOUTY +43 482
>Jason: AELRRTX 13I AR.LET +18 405
#note This play's dumb. Oh well.
>Mark_Kenas: DEJNRUV 5D JUV. +28 510
>Jason: RX M12 R.X +10 415
>Jason: (DENR) +10 425