Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Bnjy Bnjy
>Mack: HOY 8G HOY +18 18
>Bnjy: EFNOSYZ 9H FOZY +31 31
>Mack: OU K9 .OU +12 30
>Bnjy: ENNORSX 12K REX +27 58
#note xenon seems too dangerous after a 2 tile fish
>Mack: AE M11 A.E +20 50
>Bnjy: ENNORSU 14I NONUSER +79 137
#note now i don't have a choice
>Mack: LO 10M LO +16 66
#note bleh, I held this...
>Bnjy: ADEIMTV O8 VITAME. +48 185
>Mack: S O8 .......S +39 105
>Bnjy: ?ADELST 15D DiLATES +81 266
>Mack: CEINRST 7A CRETINS +67 172
>Bnjy: BIIPPTV 6C PIP +17 283
#note i thought pipit was phoney
>Mack: ?AEILMO A1 MELOdI.A +158 330
>Bnjy: BFGIKTV 10F KIF +29 312
#note now i need all the points i can get
>Mack: CHTW D4 TW..CH +34 364
>Bnjy: ABGGJTV 13H JAB +22 334
#note vat? exchange? it seems like the damage is done either way
>Mack: DOW B2 DOW +27 391
>Bnjy: AEGGOTV 14A GAVOT +22 356
>Mack: BI 11E BI +14 405
>Bnjy: AAEEGNN A10 ENGA.E +30 386
>Mack: EILRU 12A .LUIER +25 430
>Bnjy: AAENQRT G6 A.. +6 392
#note my only hope seems to be to draw either an i or a u and hope mack gives me the other one for quainter.
>Mack: DGINRU 5G DURING +24 454
>Bnjy: AEINQRT 4J QI +24 416
>Mack: DE B10 DE. +17 471
>Mack: (AENRT) +10 481
Player 2
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