Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Aldo Aldo
#player2 Joey Joey
>Aldo: BDEILO 8D BOILED +24 24
>Joey: ?AEGPST E6 ST.PpAGE +70 70
>Aldo: AMNRU D10 UNARM +25 49
>Joey: AIJORUY C12 JIAO +43 113
>Aldo: ?AAEENR 7G ANEAREd +67 116
>Joey: ENRUVYZ J6 Z. +31 144
#note This is the start of many suboptimal because I was unaware of ESTOPPAGE. That must be what happens when the Internet goes on strike.
>Aldo: AEEHNSX 9I HEXANES +83 199
>Joey: ENORUVY O3 VOYEUR. +42 186
>Aldo: EIT 10J TIE +20 219
>Joey: FGILNSU N9 .NGULF +24 210
>Aldo: AIT M13 AIT +15 234
>Joey: EHIIRSU F5 UH +26 236
#note That ought to shut down that front hook that I didn't know about.
>Aldo: OY N5 OY +31 265
>Joey: EEIIORS 15A RO.SE +27 263
#note It was hard to burn all the good stuff in this rack but I wanted to stay within striking distance.
>Aldo: DIMN 4C MIND +21 286
>Joey: ABEIIKT L12 BAKE +38 301
#note Scored as 37.
>Aldo: CGI M3 CIG +19 305
>Joey: ACDIITT C2 TI.ID +16 317
>Aldo: EILNOSW 2C .OWLINES +65 370
>Joey: ACELTTW 5B W.T +8 325
>Aldo: DFOOQRR 1H OF +26 396
>Joey: ACELPTV A1 CLEPT +43 368
>Aldo: DOQRR 4L Q. +22 418
>Joey: AV K5 VA. +23 391
>Joey: (DORR) +10 401
Player 2
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